Pearl Jam: Live 2006


Show organizzato per raccogliere fondi per la ‘The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’, associazione che ha come uno dei suoi più grandi testimonials Mike McCready. Il concerto, dal titolo Flight To Mars, è stato un tributo agli UFO, una delle band preferite dal chitarrista dei Pearl Jam.

Ad intervenire all’evento ci sono stati tra gli altri i Supersuckers, Lee Rude and the Trainwrecks.



Setlist: World Wide Suicide, Comatose, Gone (Ed Solo), Hard To Imagine, Life Wasted, Sad

Breve show a porte chiuse per le celebri session di AOL. A questo link potrete vedere il concerto in streaming.



Eddie Vedder appare sul palco insieme a Madison Flego, Brian Purcell, Julia Ranier ed Eric Slick, in un piccolo concerto tenuto al Neumo, locale di Seattle. Non si conosce la scaletta del concerto anche se Eddie è stato ripreso mentre cantava a cappella, A Quick One, pezzo degli Who insieme ai musicisti nel backstage del concerto.



Setlist: World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand

Apparizione di tutta la band alla famosissima trasmissione americana del sabato sera, Saturday Night Live. Perfomance straordinaria del singolo World Wide Suicide e di Severed Hand altra canzone contenuta nell’album omonimo in imminente uscita. Band molto carica, con Matt Cameron ai cori. Gli mp3 dei due pezzi potete trovarli qui.

20.04.2006 Astoria Theatre, London, U.K.
Supporters: Nessun supporter.
Soundcheck: World Wide Suicide, Little Sister, Present Tense, Sad, Marker In The Sand, Man Of The Hour, Small Town, Why Go
Setlist: WWS, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Unemployable, Gone, Even Flow, Sad, I Am Mine, Insignificance, Army Reserve, Present Tense, Better Man, Marker in the Sand, Do the Evolution, Why Go?
Encore 1: Man of the Hour, Given To Fly, Small Town, Porch
Encore 2: Comatose, Leaving Here, Yellow Ledbetter, Alive

Commenti di Luca Villa, presente allo show: link
03.05.2006 Live at the BBC Radio One, U.K.
Setlist: Severed Hand, Why Go?, World Wide Suicide, Garden
Durante il programma serale della RadioOne (BBC) sono state mandate in onda 4 canzoni registrate dai Pearl Jam qualche giorno dopo lo show a Londra, intervallate da varie interviste (sempre pre-registrate) ai vari componenti della band. Da notare l’ottima resa della ‘vecchia’ Garden (in una versione parzialmente rivisitata). La band di Seattle, durante questa session, aveva registrato anche Man Of The Hour e Life Wasted (canzone che, putroppo, non sono state trasmesse durante la trasmissione).
04.05.2006 Live at the Letterman Show, New York
Letterman Show Set List: Life Wasted
Post Late Show Webcast: World Wide Suicide, Comatose, Severed Hand, Marker In The Sand, Gone, Unemployable, Present Tense, Do The Evolution, Why Go, Porch/I Wanna Hold Your Hand Improvisation

I Pearl Jam sono apparsi al Letterman Show, durante la trasmissione serale, per suonare una grande versione di Life Wasted. Poco dopo la registrazione dello spettacolo, la band è comparsa all’ Ed Sullivan Theatre, il teatro fuori dagli studi televisivi per eseguire un piccolo set di canzoni solo per pochi fortunati. La band ha presentato alcune canzoni del nuovo disco e alcuni classici come Present Tense, Do The Evolution e Porch. Da questo link si puo’ visionare, in streaming, il concerto. Da questo invece si puo’ guardare Life Wasted.
04.05.2006 Hammerstein Ballroom (apparizione di Ed Vedder a uno show degli Strokes)
Strokes Show Setlist (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder): Juicebox
Il singer dei Pearl Jam è apparso allo show degli Strokes (un party indetto dalla rivista Rolling Stone per la sua millesima uscita) cantando sul coro di ‘Juicebox’ della band di Julian Casablancas. A questo link si puo’ visionare il video del duetto.
05.05.2006 Live at the Jools Holland, London, U.K.
Setlist: World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Alive
Il 5 maggio 2006, durante la trasmissione Live at Jools Holland, è stata trasmessa la performance della band di Seattle registrata qualche giorno dopo lo show del 20 aprile 2006 in inghilterra.


05.05.2006 Irving Plaza, New York
Setlist: World Wide Suicide, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Marker In The Sand, Come Back, Garden, Even Flow, Insignificance, Given To Fly, Army Reserve, Gone, Why Go, Present Tense, Do The Evolution, NYC Improvisation, Comatose
Encore 1: Man Of The Hour, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, State Of Love And Trust, Porch
Encore 2: Alive, Yellow Ledbetter
I Pearl Jam hanno suonato uno show segreto per pochi intimi a New York. I biglietti sono stati regalati ad alcuni fans che, allo scoccare della mezzanotte del 2 maggio, si erano recati a comprare il nuovo album della band di Seattle. Lo show è stato molto carico, i Pearl Jam hanno presentato varie canzoni dal nuovo CD (menzione d’obbligo per la première di Come Back) e molti classici (come Small Town o Alive). Da notare che dopo Do The Evolution è stata suonata una improv legata a New York City, la città dove i PJ hanno tenuto questo show.
09.05.2006 Toronto, Ontario, Air Canada Centre
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Sad, Love Boat Captain, Severed Hand, Unemployable
Setlist: Severed Hand, World Wide Suicide, Life Wasted, Marker In The Sand, Given To Fly, Better Man, Even Flow, Unemployable, Garden, Sad, Corduroy, Present Tense, Daughter/To Come (Lenny Bruce), Grievance, Not For You, Inside Job, Why Go?
Encore 1: Do The Evolution, Jeremy, Come Back, Alive
Encore 2:
Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
Primo vero show del World Wide Tour 2006 dei Pearl Jam. Da notare la première di Inside Job. Durante la penultima canzone, la cover di Neil Young, i My Moring Jacket sono saliti sul palco per i cori e per suonare i ‘tamburini’.
10.05.2006 Toronto, Ontario, Air Canada Centre
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: It Ain’t Like That (Alice In Chains), Lowlight, In Hiding, You Are, World Wide Suicide, Wasted Reprise
Setlist: Release, Worldwide Suicide, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Hail Hail, Unemployable, Dissident, Even Flow, Corduroy, I Am Mine, Low Light, Improvisation/Whipping, You Are, I Got Shit/Cinnamon Girl (Neil Young), Betterman/Save It For Later (The English Beat), Jeremy, Marker In The Sand, Black, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Man Of The Hour, Elderly Woman, State Of Love And Trust, Do The Evolution, Alive
Encore 2:
Improvisation/Go, Happy Birthday (a Sean Kinney degli Alice In Chains che compiva 40 anni), Crazy Mary (Vicoria Williams), Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Indifference, Yellow Ledbetter/Beast Of Burden (Rolling Stones)
Première per Wasted Reprise suonata poco prima di Man Of The Hour.
12.05.2006 Albany, New York, Pepsi Arena
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Hide Your Love Away, Satan’s Bed, Red Mosquito, In My Tree
Setlist: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Do The Evolution, Small Town, Given To Fly, Red Mosquito, Even Flow, Army Reserve, Daughter/Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd), Off He Goes, Gone, Grievance, Jeremy, Marker In The Sand, Comatose, Why Go?
Encore 1: Hide Your Love Away (Beatles), Satan’s Bed, Wishlist, Rats, Porch
Encore 2:
Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Come Back, Sad, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive.
Da notare che è stata suonata Rats che non veniva piu’ eseguita dal lontano 1998.
13.05.2006 Hartford, Conneticut, New England Dodge Music Arena
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Inside Job, U, I’m Open
Setlist: Severed Hand, Worldwide Suicide, Life Wasted, Marker In The Sand, Hail Hail, Animal, Dissident, Unemployable, Corduroy, Betterman, Why Go, Garden, I Got Shit, Even Flow, Inside Job, Black, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: I’m Open , Sleight Of Hand, Comatose, Do The Evolution
Encore 2:
Go, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
Da notare la presenza, nella setlist, di I’m Open tratta da No Code e mai eseguita dal vivo prima d’ora.
14.05.2006 Wringley Field, Los Angeles (Apparizione di Ed Vedder)
Ed è apparso, cantando Take Me Out To The Ball Game, durante la partita dei Chicago Cubs allo stadio Wringley Field.
16.05.2006 Chicago, Illinois, United Center
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Release, WWS, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Comatose, Given to Fly, Lowlight, Corduroy, I’m Open, I Got Shit, Evenflow, Unemployable, Daughter/(WMA), Present Tense, DTE, Jeremy, Save You, Porch
Encore 1: You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away, Betterman, Come Back, SOLAT, Black, Alive
Encore 2:
Go, Blood, Indifference, Baba O’Riley
17.05.2006 Chicago, Illinois, United Center
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Severed Hand, Worldwide Suicide, Life Wasted, Animal, Marker In The Sand, Do The Evolution, Whipping, 1/2 Full, I Am Mine, Even Flow, Gone, Insignificance, Betterman/(Save It For Later), Down, Garden, Inside Job, Lukin/Why Go
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Man Of The Hour, Footsteps, Once, Alive
Encore 2:
Last Kiss, Last Exit, Glorified G, Elderly Woman, Crown Of Thorns, Rockin’ In The Free World, Yellow Ledbetter
Durante il primo encore è stata suonata la mamasan trilogy (anche se in ordine inverso).
19.05.2006 Grand Rapids, Michigan, Van Andel Arena
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Ed Solo: Dead Man, I Can’t Explain, It Makes No Difference (The Band) (Ed with Jim James dei My Morning Jacket)
Soundcheck: Parachutes, Parting Ways
Setlist: Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Given To Fly, World Wide Suicide, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Sad, Marker In The Sand, Red Mosquito, Even Flow, Love Boat Captain, Corduroy, Daughter/(Blitzkrieg Bop)/(I Believe In Miracles), Army Reserve, Green Disease, Why Go, Inside Job, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Sleight Of Hand, Off He Goes, Around The Bend, Parting Ways, Hard To Imagine, Crazy Mary, Alive
Encore 2:
Do The Evolution, Comatose, Satan’s Bed, Leatherman, Blood, Baba O’Riley, Yellow Ledbetter
20.05.2006 Cleveland, Ohio, Quicken Loans Arena
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Preset: Last Kiss (Ed solo), It Makes No Difference (The Band) (Ed with Jim James dei My Morning Jacket)
Soundcheck: U, Black Red Yellow, Thumbing My Way, MFC, Smile, Star-Spangled Banner (Mccready Instrumental)
Setlist: Better Man, Given To Fly, World Wide Suicide, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Faithfull, Unemployable, Gone, Daughter/(It’s Ok), MFC, Immortality, Lukin, Do The Evolution, Spin The Black Circle, Porch
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Thumbing My Way, Inside Job, Black, Alive
Encore 2:
Go, Comatose, U, Don’t Gimme No Lip, Smile, Why Go, Fuckin’ Up, Yellow Ledbetter
22.05.2006 Detroit, Michigan, Palace of Auburn Hills
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: You Are, Alone, Breath, Breakerfall, In Hiding, Gone
Preset: Gone
Setlist: Long Road, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Animal, Marker In The Sand, In Hiding, Even Flow, I Am Mine, Army Reserve, Insignificance, Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, State Of Love And Trust, Come Back, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Man Of The Hour, Elderly Woman, Nothingman, Inside Job, Alive
Encore 2:
Whipping, Do The Evolution, Comatose, Given To Fly, Why Go, Porch, Indifference, Kick Out The Jams (Mc5), Yellow Ledbetter/(Star Spangled Banner)
24.05.2006 Boston, Massachusetts, TD Banknorth Garden
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Rats, Deep (reworked), Leash (!!!), Masters of War (Bob Dylan), Forever Young
Setlist: Release, Severed Hand, Worldwide Suicide, Corduroy, Animal, Red Mosquito, Love Boat Captain, Betterman, Unemployable, Even Flow, Sad, Wishlist, Gone, Green Disease, Down, Jeremy, Life Wasted, Why Go
Encore 1: Forever Young (
Bob Dylan ), Masters of War (Bob Dylan), Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Inside Job, Alive
Encore 2: Spin The Black Circle, Do The Evolution, Whipping, Rats, Comatose, Rockin’ In The Free World (
Neil Young)
Master Of War e For
ever Young sono state suonate in onore di Bob Dylan che proprio il 24 maggio ha compiuto 65 anni.
25.05.2006 Boston, Massachusetts, TD Banknorth Garden

Supporters: My Morning Jacket

Preset: Porch, It Makes No Difference (The Band
, Ed w/ My Morning Jacket)
Setlist: Severed Hand, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Do The Evolution, Given To Fly, Dissident, Even Flow, Marker In The Sand, Low Light, Insignificance, Army Reserve, Garden, I Got Shit, State Of Love And Trust, Comatose, Inside Job, Rearview Mirror
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Man Of The Hour, Small Town, Parachutes, Black, Alive
Encore 2: Why Go, Life Wasted, Smile, Indifference, Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (by Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/(Star Spangled Banner)
Da notare la première della bellissima Parachutes e l’esecuzione di Leash a distanza di 12 anni dall’ultima apparizione live (sempre a Boston, 11 aprile 1994).

25.05.2006 Cambridge, Massachussets, Toad (Apparizione di Eddie Vedder allo show dei Buffalo Tom)

Setlist (solo le canzoni con Eddie): Taillights Fade (Buffalo Tom), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Cortez the Killer (Neil Young), It Makes No Difference (The Band)
Note: Questo concerto si è svolto in un piccolo club di Cambridge vicino Boston, solo poche ore dopo la fine del concerto al TD Banknorth Garden. Ad accompagnare Eddie Vedder c’era un amico di lunga data dei Pearl Jam ovvero il General Manager dei White Sox di Boston -una delle due squadre di baseball di Boston nd.r.- Theo Epstein, che aveva da poco finito di suonare insieme ai 5 di Seattle la cover di Neil Young Rockin’ in the Free World. Epstein e Eddie Vedder hanno raggiunto sul palco i Buffalo Tom per alcune cover

27.05.2006 Camden, New Jersey, Tweeter Waterfront

Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Sleight of Hand, Leash, Big Wave, Thin Air, All Those Yesterdays, MFC, Gone, RVM, Don’t Gimme No Lip, Whipping, Why Go, Jeremy, Light Years
Preset: Gone
Setlist: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, World Wide Suicide, Do The Evolution, Animal, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Marker In The Sand, Given To Fly, Unemployable, Lukin/Not For You (My Whole Life (tag)), Daughter/WMA tag, I Am Mine, Jeremy, Present Tense, Why Go, Porch
Encore 1: Better Man, Come Back, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Last Kiss (with members of DNA foundation mentioned in Ed speech), Alive
Encore 2: State Of Love & Trust, Blood, Even Flow, Comatose, Leash, Rockin’ In The Free World, Yellow Ledbetter

28.05.2006 Camden, New Jersey, Tweeter Waterfront

Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Come Back, Parachutes, Big Wave , It’s OK (Dead Moon) , Wash , You Are
Preset: Throw Your Arms Around Me (Hunter And The Collectors), It Makes No Difference (The Band, Ed w/ My Morning Jacket)
Setlist: Wash, Go, Worldwide Suicide, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Save You, Given To Fly, Army Reserve, Grievance, Gone, Even Flow, You Are, Wishlist, Satan’s Bed, Garden, Whipping, Life Wasted, RVM
Encore 1: Wasted reprise, Man of the hour, Parachutes, Black/So Lonely (Police), Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: Last exit, Do The Evolution, Glorified G, Comatose, Leash, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner)

30.05.2006 Washington DC, Verizon Center

Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Come Back, Parachutes, Big Wave , It’s OK (Dead Moon) , Wash , You Are
Preset: Don’t Be Shy (Cat Stevens)
Setlist: Release, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Animal, Do The Evolution, Given To Fly, Low Light, Unemployable, Grievance, Even Flow, I Got Id, Present Tense, Better Man, Inside Job, Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Why Go, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Wasted reprise, Man of the hour, Parachutes, Black/So Lonely (Police), Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: Comatose, Leash, Fuckin’ Up, Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner)

31.05.2006 New York , New York, The Avalon (Studi di registrazione del canale VH1)

Set: Betterman, Unemployable, Worldwide Suicide, Gone, Sleight of Hand, Army Reserve, Insignificance, Alive
Encore: Here’s To The State Of Mississippi, Q&A period, Life Wasted

01.06.2006 E.Rutherford, New Jersey, Continental Airlines Arena

Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Preset: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (The Beatles), It Makes No Difference (The Band, Ed w/ My Morning Jacket)
Setlist: Severed Hand, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Do The Evolution, Marker In The Sand, Given To Fly, Dissident, Even Flow, Army Reserve, Immortality, Green Disease, Not For You/(Modern Girl), Alone, Jeremy, Why Go, Life Wasted, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Man Of The Hour, Come Back, Footsteps, Once, Alive

Encore 2: Last Exit, Comatose, Leatherman, Glorified G, Leash, Baba O’Riley, Indifference

03.06.2006 E.Rutherford, New Jersey, Continental Airlines Arena
Supporters: My Morning Jacket

Preset: No Surrender (Bruce Springsteen)
Pre-set Ed w/My Morning Jacket: It Makes No Difference (The Band)
Setlist: Severed Hand, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Hail Hail, Animal, Love Boat Captain, In Hiding, Even Flow, I Am Mine, Whipping, Gone, Comatose, State Of Love And Trust, Rats, Garden, Inside Job, Porch
Encore 1:
Army Reserve, Hard To Imagine, Last Kiss, Black, Crazy Mary, Last Exit
Encore 2: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Lukin, Leash, Don’t Gimme No Lip, Why Go, Leaving Here (
High Numbers ), Alive, Yellow Ledbetter/(Star Spangled Banner)
Ultimo show della prima leg del tour americano del World Wide Tour 2006. Poco prima di Army Reserve ha tenuto un ‘piccolo’ discorso la moglie di Damien Echols (uno dei WM3) sul WORLDWIDE AWARENESS DAY. Maggiori info su questo caso le troverete a questo link.

Seconda Leg Americana del World Wide Tour 

23.06.2006 Pittsburgh, PA; Mellon Arena
Supporters: Robert Pollard
Soundcheck: Marker In The Sand, I Am Mine, Severed Hand, Of The Girl, Leatherman, Breath, Smile, Gone, Inside Job, Garden, Waiting On A Friend
EV Preset: Throw Your Arms Around Me (Hunters And Collectors)
Setlist: Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Do The Evolution, Dissident, Even Flow, Marker In The Sand, In Hiding, Better Man, Daughter/With My Own Two Hands (Ben Harper), Garden, I Got Shit, State Of Love And Trust, Inside Job, World Wide Suicide, Porch
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Man Of The Hour, Waiting On A Friend (Rolling Stones), Small Town, Black, Alive
Encore 2: Go, Why Go, Comatose, Smile, Rockin’ in the Free World, Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner
24.06.2006 Cincinnati, OH; US Bank Arena
Supporters: Robert Pollard
EV Preset: The Kids Are Allright (The Who) EV durante il set di R. Pollard (solo le canzoni con EV) Love is Stronger than Witchcraft (Robert Pollard)
Setlist: Long Road, Save You, Hail Hail, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Unemployable, Even Flow/ Third Rock from the Sun (Jimy Hendrix), Love Boat Captain, Gone, Green Disease, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Present Tense, Lukin, Whipping, Do The Evolution, Life Wasted
Encore 1: Wishlist/Love Is Stronger Than Witch Craft (Robert Pollard), Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat), Inside Job, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Rearviewmirror
Encore 2: Comatose, Leash, Alive, Baba O’Riley (Neil Young, con Robert Pollard alla voce)
26.06.2006 St. Paul, MN; Xcel Energy Center, Special Night: with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Supporters: Special Night with Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
Soundcheck: Last Exit, Sad, Of The Girl, Bushleaguer, All Those Yesterdays, Soldier of Love, Rats, WMA, It’s OK->Daughter
Setlist: Last Exit, Life Wasted, Why Go, World Wide Suicide, Do The Evolution, Given To Fly, I Am Mine, Army Reserve, Even Flow, Better Man, Sad, Present Tense, Daughter/I Won’t Back Down (Tom Petty), Jeremy, Comatose, Alive, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)

Tom Petty Set (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder): American Girl (Tom Petty)
27.06.2006 St. Paul, MN; Xcel Energy Center, Special Night: with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Supporters: Special Night with Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive (Pink Floyd)/Corduroy, Severed Hand, Hail Hail, Love Boat Captain, World Wide Suicide, Marker In The Sand, Given To Fly, Even Flow, Light Years, Not For You, Small Town, Come Back, State of Love and Trust, Glorified G, Black, Life Wasted, Alive

Tom Petty Set (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder): The Waiting (Tom Petty), American Girl (Tom Petty)
29.06.2006 Milwaukee, WI; Marcus Amphitheatre (Summerfest), w/ Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Supporters: Co-headlining with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Setlist: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Animal, In Hiding, Even Flow, Gone, Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat), Do The Evolution, Why Go, Jeremy, Inside Job, Comatose, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Leash, Porch
Tom Petty Set (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder): The Waiting (Tom Petty), American Girl (Tom Petty)
30.06.2006 Milwaukee, WI; Marcus Amphitheatre (Summerfest), w/ Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Supporters: Co-headlining with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Setlist: Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Save You, World Wide Suicide, Spin The Black Circle, Given To Fly, Jeremy, Even Flow, Sad, Daughter/WMA/Ruby Tuesday (Rolling Stones), I Got Shit, Small Town, Around The Bend, Indifference, Life Wasted, Alive, Smile, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)

Tom Petty Set (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder):The Waiting (Tom Petty), American Girl (Tom Petty)
02.07.2006 Denver, CO; Pepsi Center, w/ Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Supporters: Co-headlining with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Setlist: World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Hail Hail, Do The Evolution, Given To Fly, Even Flow, Present Tense, Jeremy, Army Reserve, Daughter, Bee Girl, Corduroy(con, alle tastiere, Benmont Tench degli Heart Breakers di Tom Petty), Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat) (solo la musica con Benmont Tench alle tastiere), Black (con Benmont Tench alle tastiere)
Encore: Comatose, Bu$hleaguer, Alive, So You Want To Be A Rock ‘N’ Roll Star (The Byrds. con il chitarrista Mike Campbell e il tastierista Benmont Tench degli Heartbreakers di Tom Petty)
Tom Petty Set (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder): The Waiting (Tom Petty), American Girl (Tom Petty)
03.07.2006 Denver, CO; Pepsi Center, w/ Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Supporters: Co-headlining with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Setlist: Long Road, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Not For You / (Modern Girl), Insignificance, Unemployable, Evenflow, Gone, State Of Love And Trust, Down, Wasted Reprise (con Benmont Tench), Better Man / (Save It for Later – solo la parte strumentale, con Benmont Tench), Black (con Benmont Tench), Corduroy (con Benmont Tench)
Encore: Come Back, Leash, Why Go, So You Want To Be A Rock N Roll Star (con Mike Campbell e Benmont Tench)
Tom Petty Set The Waiting (Tom Petty, w/EV), American Girl (Tom Petty, w/EV), Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Everybody Must Get Stoned) (Tom Petty, con Matt Cameron alla chitarra acustica, Stone al tamburino, Jeff alla chitarra acustica, Mike alla chitarra elettrica e Ed Vedder ai cori)
06.07.2006 Las Vegas, Nevada, MGM Grand Garden Arena
Supporters: Sonic Youth
Soundcheck: Little Sister (Elvis Presley), Big Wave, Leavin Here (High Numbers)
EV Preset: Man of the Hour
Setlist: Inside Job, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Grievance, Given To Fly, Marker In The Sand, Faithfull, Even Flow, Gone, Daughter, Green Disease, Rats, Garden, Parachutes, State Of Love And Trust, Life Wasted, Do The Evolution
Encore 1: Little Sister (Elvis Presley), Small Town, Betterman/Save It For Later (English Beats), Black, Alive
Encore 2: Go, Comatose, Fortunate Son (Creedence Clearwater Revival), Porch
07.07.2006 San Diego, California, Cox Arena
Supporters: Sonic Youth
EV Preset: Soon Forget
Setlist: Oceans, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Brain Of J, World Wide Suicide, Love Boat Captain, Gone, Even Flow, Unemployable, Wasted Reprise, Betterman/Save It For Later (English Beats), Satans Bed, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), You Are, Inside Job, Life Wasted/Improv, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Long Road, Come Back, Small Town, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Crown Of Thorns (Mother Love Bone), Alive
Encore 2: Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Comatose, Leash, Big Wave, Rockin In The Free World (Neil Young, con Kelly Slater, famoso surfer amico di Vedder, alla chitarra), Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner
09.07.2006 Los Angeles, California, The Forum
Supporters: Sonic Youth
Soundcheck: Life Wasted, Last Kiss, Sleight of Hand, Thin Air, Jam Session, I Believe in Miracles (Ramones)
EV Preset: Porch
Setlist: Release, World Wide Suicide, Corduroy, Do The Evolution, Given To Fly, Severed Hand, Jeremy, Gone, Even Flow, Unemployable, Wasted Reprise, Better Man, Whipping, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Inside Job, Life Wasted, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Small Town, Come Back, Here’s To The State Of George W. (Phil Ochs, con Tim Robbins), Black, Crown Of Thorns (Mother Love Bone), Alive
Encore 2: Last Kiss, Comatose, Why Go, Big Wave, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner
10.07.2006 Los Angeles, California, The Forum
Supporters: Sonic Youth
EV Preset: Walking the Cow (Daniel Johnston)
Setlist: World Wide Suicide, Brain Of JFK, Animal, Marker In The Sand, Severed Hand, Even Flow, MFC, I Got Shit, Corduroy, Daughter/It’s Okay (Dead Moon)/I Believe In Miracles/Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones), Sad, Garden, Down, Baby Please Don’t Go (Big Joe Williams. Solo EV a cappella), Go, Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat)/Baby Please Don’t Go (Big Joe Williams), I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts (X, con Tim Robbins), Porch
Encore 1: Man Of The Hour, Off He Goes, Footsteps, Once, Alive
Encore 2: Big Wave, Comatose, State of Love and Trust, Leash, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young)
12.07.2006 Hollywood, California, Henry Fonda Theater
Supporters: Sonic Youth
Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Dissident, Severed Hand, Unemployable, Given To Fly, I Am Mine, Grievance, Even Flow, Gone, Lukin, Not For You/(Modern Girl by Sleater Kinney), Inside Job, Do The Evolution, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Parachutes, Masters Of War (by Bob Dylan), Crazy Mary (by Victoria Williams), I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts (by X )(guest guitarist/vocalist Tim Robbins), Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted
Encore 2: Big Wave, Comatose, Why Go, I Believe In Miracles (by the Ramones)(guest guitarist Steve Jones)
Encore 3: Alive, Indifference

Nel soundcheck è stata provata Pretty Vacant dei Sex Pistols, cover inserita anche nella setlist della serata. Il pezzo è stato tagliato dalla setlist qualche minuto prima e mai più proposto dal vivo.

13.07.2006 Santa Barbara, California, Santa Barbara Bowl
Supporters: Sonic Youth
EV Preset: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
Acoustic Setlist: Oceans, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Low Light, Waiting On A Friend, Hard To Imagine, Daughter, Last Kiss, Come Back, Black, Crazy Mary
Electric Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive/Corduroy, Severed Hand, World Wide Suicide, Given To Fly, Marker In The Sand, Even Flow, Whipping, I Got Id, U, Do The Evolution, Porch
Encore 1: Big Wave, Better Man, Comatose, Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Rocking In The Free World, Yellow Ledbetter / Star Spangled Banner
15.07.2006 San Francisco, California, BG Civic Auditorium
Supporters: Sonic Youth
Soundcheck: Of The Girl, Gods’ Dice, Tremor Christ, Sad, Sometimes
EV Preset: Dead Man
Setlist: Of The Girl, Go, World Wide Suicide, Save You, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Given To Fly, Unemployable, Sad, Gone, Not For You, State of Love and Trust, God’s Dice, Present Tense, Comatose, Why Go, Do the Evolution
Encore 1: Even Flow, Parachutes, Footsteps, Once, Alive
Encore 2: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Spin the Black Circle, Bu$hleaguer, Indifference, Rockin’ in the Free World, Yellow Ledbetter/Star-Spangled Banner
16.07.2006 San Francisco, California, BG Civic Auditorium
Supporters: Sonic Youth
EV Preset: Driftin’
Setlist: Sometimes (non tutta, Eddie ha dimenticato qualche verso), Severed Hand, Whipping, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Animal, Marker In The Sand, Dissident, Evenflow, Army Reserve, Insignificance, In My Tree, Lukin, Garden, I Got Shit, Inside Job, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Come Back, Betterman, Life Wasted, The American In Me (con i The Avengers), Alive
Encore 2: Last Kiss, Big Wave, Blood, Leash, Fuckin’ Up, Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner

Immortality era presente sulla scaletta ma non è stata suonata. In My Tree suonata per la prima volta in questo tour.
18.07.2006 San Francisco, California, BG Civic Auditorium
Supporters: Sonic Youth
Soundcheck: The Seeker (The Who), Don’t Be Shy (Cat Stevens), I Am Mine, Here’s To The State Of George W. (Phil Ochs)
EV Preset: I Am Mine
Setlist: Release, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Hail Hail, World Wide Suicide, Untitled, MFC, Red Mosquito, Unemployable, Sad, Light Years, Big Wave, Even Flow, Do The Evolution, In Hiding, Down, Present Tense, Why Go
Encore 1: Wasted Reprise, Man Of The Hour, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Comatose, Alive
Encore 2: Last Exit, State of Love and Trust, Leash, All Along The Watchtower (Bob Dylan con Lee Ranaldo dei Sonic Youth), Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner
20.07.2006 Portland, Oregon, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, CCFA Benefit
Supporters: Sleater-Kinney, David Cross
EV Preset: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (Beatles)
Setlist: World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Brain Of JFK, Do The Evolution, Even Flow, Love Boat Captain, Low Light, Sad, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Wishlist, Parachutes, Satan’s Bed, Why Go, Blood/Atomic Dog (Alex Clinton)
Encore 1: Inside Job, Soon Forget, Auguri a Stone Gossard che il 20 luglio ha compiuto 40 anni, Don’t Gimme No Lip, Harvest Moon (Neil Young con le Sleater-Kinney), Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted
Encore 2: All Along The Watchtower (Bob Dylan, con Johnny Marr), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young con le Sleater Kinney, Johnny Marr & David Cross), Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner
22.07.2006 George, WA, Gorge Amphitheater

Supporters: Nessuno
Soundcheck: All Those Yesterdays, Leatherman, God’s Dice
Setlist: Wash, Corduroy, Hail Hail, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Given To Fly, Small Town, Even Flow, Down, I Am Mine, Unemployable, Daughter/ It’s Ok (Dead Moon), Gone, Black, Insignificance, Life Wasted, Blood
Encore 1: Footsteps, Once, Alive, State of Love and Trust, Crown Of Thorns (Mother Love Bone), Leash, Porch
Encore 2: Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Inside Job, Go, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Dirty Frank, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix)/Star Spangled Banner

23.07.2006 George, WA, Gorge Amphitheater

Supporters: Nessuno
Setlist: Severed Hand, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, God’s Dice, Animal, Do The Evolution, In Hiding, Green Disease, Even Flow, Marker In The Sand, Wasted Reprise, Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat), Army Reserve, Garden, Rats, Whipping, Jeremy, Why Go
Encore 1: I Won’t Back Down (Tom Petty), Life Wasted, Big Wave, Satan’s Bed, Spin The Black Circle, Alive
Encore 2: Given To Fly, Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix), Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Comatose, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Star Spangled Banner

30.07.2006 Los Angeles, LA, White River Amphitheatre (Apparizione di Vedder ad uno show di Tom Petty)

Tom Petty’s Set (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder): The Waiting (Tom Petty), American Girl (Tom Petty)
Ed Vedder è apparso a questo concerto di Tom Petty. Insieme hanno suonato la ‘classica’ The Waiting’ e nel finale, insieme a Stevie Nicks dei Fleetwood Mac, ‘American Girl’.

12.08.2006 Crystall Balroom, Portland, OR (Apparizione di Vedder ad uno show delle Sleater-Kinney)

Ed Vedder Set: Here’s To The State Of Missisipi (Phil Ochs), Tonight You Belong To Me (David/Rose con Janet Weiss)
Il singer dei Pearl Jam ha aperto, con grande sorpresa di tutti, l’ultimo show delle Sleater-Kinney (link). Ed Vedder ha suonato una cover di Phil Ochs già proposta nel corso del tour americano e Tonight You Belong To Me, cover di David/Rose, mai proposta, precedentemente, live con l’ukulele duettando con Janet Weiss, la batterista delle Sleater-Kinney (e dei Quasi). Ripetiamolo, anche in questa occasione, Carrie, Corin and Janet, we will miss you !

Leg EUROPEA del World Wide Tour | Foto ufficiali Euro tour 2006 |


23.08.2006 Dublin, Ireland; The Point

Supporters: Paddy Casey
Soundcheck: Education, Come Back, The Boys Are Back In Town (Thin Lizzy), Unemployable
Setlist: Inside Job, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Animal, Do The Evolution, Given To Fly, Corduroy, Gone, Marker in the Sand, Daughter/It’s OK (Dead Moon), Better Man, Why Go, Education, Even Flow, Life Wasted, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Indifference, Black, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: The Boys are Back in Town (Thin Lizzy), Leash, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young)

25.08.2006 Leeds, UK; Leeds Festival, Carling Weekend
Setlist: Go, Animal, Corduroy, Worldwide Suicide, Hail Hail, Severed Hand, Given To Fly, Green Disease, Even Flow, Small Town, Insignificance, Daughter/It’s OK, Lukin, Whipping, Not For You, State Of Love And Trust, Black, Porch
Encore 1: Why Go?, Do The Evolution, Life Wasted, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World/Blitzkrieg Bop
Note: Prima di Green Disease Eddie parla al pubblico presente dicendo che dall’ultima volta che sono stati nel Regno Unito la band ha sfornato dei dischi e che il pezzo che stavano per suonare faceva parte del penultimo. Durante il bis Eddie ha ringraziato la gente presente per essere stata così accogliente e calorosa. Prima di Life Wasted ha ringraziato nuovamente. Dopo Alive ha raccontato la storia secondo la quale aveva sognato George Bush che “si stava fottendo tutti noi” e non stava nemmeno usando un profilattico.
27.08.2006 Reading, U.K.; Reading Festival, Carling Weekend
Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive (Pink Floyd)/Corduroy, Do The Evolution, Animal, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Dissident, Even Flow, Sad, I am Mine, Jeremy, Grievance, Wasted Reprise, Betterman, Save You, Blood, Rear View Mirror
Encore 1: Iron Man(Black Sabbath)/Soon Forget, Given to Fly, Once, Crown of Thorns (Mother Love Bone), Comatose, Alive
Encore 2: Why Go, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Yellow Ledbetter/Nobody’s Fault But Mine [Riff] (Led Zeppelin)
Lo show è stato trasmesso in diretta video dal sito Grandissima performance della band. Iron Man è stata suonata, per scherzo, da Ed Vedder con il suo ukulele (solo la parte musicale).
29.08.2006 Arnhem, Nederland; Gelredome
Soundcheck: Satan’s Bed, Gone, Life Wasted
Supporters: Wolfmother
Setlist: Release, Why Go?, Save You, Corduroy, Severed Hand, No Woman No Cry Improv, Betterman, Worldwide Suicide, Insignificance, Jeremy, Do The Evolution, Given To Fly, Even Flow, I Got Shit, Lukin, Spin The Black Circle, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Man Of The Hour, Daughter, State Of Love And Trust, Comatose, Porch
Encore 2:Bu$hleaguer, Leash, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World, Yellow Ledbetter
30.08.2006 Antwerp, Belgium; Sportpaleis
Soundcheck: Hunger Strike (Temple of the Dog), I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Supporters: Wolfmother
Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive/Corduroy, Animal, Hail Hail, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), In Hiding, Unemployable, Given To Fly, Even Flow, Present Tense, Do the Evolution, Big Wave, Small Town, Jeremy, Why Go
Encore 1: Soon Forget, Black/We belong together, Betterman, Crazy Mary, Comatose, Alive
Encore 2: Indifference, Hunger Strike (con Andy, cantante dei Wolfmother), Baba O’Riley (con Andy), Yellow Ledbetter
01.09.2006 Barcelona, España; Pavello Olímpic de Badalona
Soundcheck: Nothing As It Seems, Hunger Strike (Temple of the Dog)
Supporters: Wolfmother (durante il loro set McCready ha suonato Mother mentre Ed Vedder ha cantato Mind’s Eye)
Setlist: Inside Job, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Animal, Dissident, Given To Fly, Breakerfall, In My Tree, Even Flow, You Are, State Of Love And Trust, Whipping, Better Man, Do The Evolution, Life Wasted
Encore 1: Black/(We Belong Together), Improvisation, Small Town, Crazy Mary, Comatose, Alive
Encore 2: Why Go, I Believe In Miracles, Hunger Strike, Baba O’Riley, Yellow Ledbetter
02.09.2006 Vitoria, España; Azkena Rock Festival

Supporters: Essendo un festival, si sono esibiti vari gruppi prima dei Pearl Jam.
Setlist: Go, Last Exit, Corduroy, WWS, Severed Hand, Do The Evolution, Even Flow, Marker In The Sand, MFC, Daughter/Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones), Green Disease, Grievance, Gone, Why Go, Down, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town, Spin The Black Circle
Encore 1: I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Black/We Belong Together, Given To Fly, Save You, Alive
Encore 2: Romanza /Betterman /Save It For Later, Rearviewmirror, Blood, Rockin’ in the Free World, Yellow Ledbetter

04.09.2006 Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, Portugal
Soundcheck: Pilate, Undone, Lowlight, Rival, Last Kiss
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Animal, Corduroy, Severed Hand, World Wide Suicide, Even Flow, I Am Mine, God’s Dice, Given To Fly, Do The Evolution, Wish List, Lukin, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Comatose, Small Town, Jeremy, Why Go
Encore 1: Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Inside Job, Black, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: Big Wave, Better Man, Leash, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Yellow Ledbetter
05.09.2006 Pavilhão Atlântico, Lisbon, Portugal
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Severd Hand, Corduroy, Hail Hail, Save You, World Wide Suicide, Dissident, Even Flow, Army Reserve, Whipping, State of Love and Trust, I Got Shit, Garden, Do The Evolution, Sad, Daughter/It’s Ok (Dead Moon), Insignificance, Black, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Portugal Improv, Come Back, I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Big Wave, Once, Footsteps, Alive
Encore 2: Wasted Reprise, Better Man, Smile, Why Go, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
07.09.2006 Madrid, Spain, Palacio Deportes Comunidad De Madrid
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Betterman, Corduroy, Animal, Big Wave, Rearviewmirror, In Hiding, Jeremy, Given to Fly, Once, Daughter/Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd), Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Grievance, Why Go, Do The Evolution, Even Flow
Encore 1: Severed Hand, Small Town, Romanza (Traditional)>Man of the Hour, Black
Encore 2: World Wide Suicide, Go, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimy Henrix)
09.09.2006 Marseille, France, Le Dome
Soundcheck: Lukin, Soon Forget
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Long Road, Why Go, Do The Evolution, Severed Hand, Corduroy, Whipping, Red Mosquito, Small Town, Given To Fly, Down, Even Flow, Wish List, World Wide Suicide, Glorified Gun, Satan’s Bed, Porch
Encore 1: Fatal, Off He Goes, Black/Good Woman (Cat Power), I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Alive
Encore 2: Last Exit, Leash, Better Man, Dirty Frank, Comatose, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young)
11.09.2006 Paris, France, Bercy
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive (pink Floyd)/Corduroy, Animal, Save You, World Wide Suicide, Dissident, Unemployable, Marker In The Sand, Daughter/Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 (Pink Floyd), 1/2 Full, Thumbing My Way, Even Flow, You Are, Love Boat Captain, Lukin, Not For You, Black, Life Wasted
Encore 1: You’ve Got Hide Your Love Away (Beatles), Parachutes, Better Man, Rearviewmirror
Encore 2: Go, Do The Evolution, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix)
13.09.2006 Bern, Switzerland, Bern Arena
Soundcheck: Leavin’ Here (High Numbers)
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Go, Animal, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Hail Hail, Dissident, Breakerfall, Even Flow, Glorified G, Small Town, Sleight Of Hand, Jeremy, Marker In The Sand, Better Man, Army Reserve, Satan’s Bed, You Are
Encore 1: Garden, Low Light, Do The Evolution, Alive
Encore 2: Last Exit, Why Go, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix)
14.09.2006 Bologna, Italy, Palamalaguti
Soundcheck: Baba O’Riley (The Who), Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix), Severed Hand
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Small Town, Do The Evolution, Animal, Severed Hand, Given To Fly, World Wide Suicide, Save You, Even Flow, I Am Mine, Marker In The Sand, Green Disease, Daughter/It’s Ok (Dead Moon)/Improv, Alone, Whipping, Present Tense, Comatose, Porch
Encore 1: Black, Better Man, Life Wasted, Alive
Encore 2: Bu$hleaguer, Why Go, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Indifference
16.09.2006 Verona, Italy, Arena
Soundcheck: Immortality (acustica), Immortality (elettrica), Naked Eye (The Who), Parachutes, U, Alone (strumentale), Education, Inside Job, Gone, M.F.C., Sometimes (solo il riff iniziale), Around The Bend, Long Road (solo il riff iniziale), Picture In A Frame (Tom Waits, solo qualche strofa). Can’t Keep (Acustica) Si, lo potete dire… che cazzo di soundcheck è stato? Oh my @#@#@# god!!!
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Release, Given To Fly, Corduroy. World Wide Suicide, Do The Evolution, Severed Hand, Love Boat Captain, Even Flow, 1/2 Full, Gone, Not For You, Grievance, Marker In The Sand, Jeremy, Wasted Reprise, Better Man, Blood
Encore 1: Inside Job, Come Back, I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Porch, Life Wasted
Encore 2: Small Town, My Sharona (The Knack, ‘My Verona’ version), Once, Alive, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
17.09.2006 Milan, Italy, Forum
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Setlist: Go, Last Exit, Save You, World Wide Suicide, Corduroy, Severed Hand, Unemployable, Even Flow, I Am Mine, Man Of The Hour, MFC, Daughter/Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 (Pink Floyd), Faithful, Comatose, State of Love and Trust, Why Go?
Encore 1: Picture In A Frame (Tom Waits, EV solo), Parachutes, Black, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Given To Fly, Alive
Encore 2: Do The Evolution, Big Wave, Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
19.09.2006 Torino, Italy, Palaisozaki
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Leatherman, Tremor Christ, Satan’s Bed, Nothingman, Rival, Breath
EV Preset (durante il set dei My Morning Jacket): A Quick One (While He’s Away) (The Who)
Setlist: Go, Corduroy, Animal, Small Town, Life Wasted, World Wide Suicide, Comatose, Severed Hand, Marker In The Sand, Parachutes, Unemployable, Big Wave, Gone, Wasted Reprise, Army Reserve, Come Back, Inside Job, Do The Evolution, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Jeremy, Lukin, Better Man, Black, Tremor Christ, Alive
Encore 2: Blood, Even Flow, Baba O’Riley (by The Who), Indifference
20.09.2006 Pistoia, Italy, Piazza Duomo
Supporters: My Morning Jacket
Soundcheck: Light Years, Faithful, Around the Bend
EV Preset: Throw Your Arms (Around Me) (Hunters and the Collectors), It Makes No Difference(The Band, EV durante il set dei My Morning Jacket)
Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive/Corduroy, Rearviewmirror, Life Wasted, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Unemployable, Small Town, Dissident, 1/2 Full, I Got Shit, Even Flow, Come Back, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Breath , Given To Fly, Why Go, Comatose, Porch
Encore 1: Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Hail Hail, State of Love and Trust, Black/Good Woman (Cat Power)/We Belong Together, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: Last Exit, Do The Evolution, Wasted Reprise, Better Man, Spin The Black Circle, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
22.09.2006 Prague, Czech Republic, Sazka Arena
Supporters: Tarantula Ad.
Setlist: MFC, Last Exit, Animal, Life Wasted, Small Town, World Wide Suicide, Insignificance, Marker In The Sand, Unemployable, You Are, Sad, Whipping, Even Flow, Daughter, Alone, Jeremy, Do The Evolution
Encore 1: Dead Man, Man Of The Hour, Nothingman, Leatherman, Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat), Alive
Encore 2: Bu$hleaguer, Comatose, Given To Fly, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
23.09.2006 Berlin, Germany, Wuhlheide
Supporters: The Black Keys
Soundcheck: Parting Ways, Gods Dice
Setlist: Go, Save You, Animal, Do The Evolution, Rearviewmirror, Small Town, Severed Hand, World Wide Suicide, Marker In The Sand, Even Flow, Present Tense, Big Wave, Grievance, Daughter /W.M.A., Green Disease, Black, Porch
Encore 1: Given To Fly, Come Back, I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Crazy Mary, Alive
Encore 2: Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Footsteps, Lukin, Comatose, Why Go, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Yellow Ledbetter
25.09.2006 Vienna, Austria, Stadthalle
Supporters: Tarantula Ad.
Soundcheck: All Those Yesterdays, Wash, Who You Are, Bugs (!!!)
Setlist: Life Wasted, Corduroy, Rearviewmirror, World Wide Suicide, Comatose, Small Town, Severed Hand, Sad, God’s Dice, Daughter, Jeremy, I Got Shit, Parachutes, Wishlist, State of Love and Trust, Why Go, Go
Encore 1: Last Kiss, Inside Job, Off He Goes, Black, Do The Evolution, Even Flow
Encore 2: Spin The Black Circle, Once, Alive, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix)
26.09.2006 Zagreb, Croatia, Dom Sportova
Supporters: Nessuna band in apertura
Setlist: Severed Hand, Corduroy, Hail Hail, World Wide Suicide, Small Town, Given to Fly, Unemployable, In Hiding, Even Flow, Education ,Do The Evolution, Jeremy, Army Reserve, Gimme Some Truth (John Lennon), Whipping, Life Wasted
Encore 1: Thin Air , Thumbing My Way, All Or None, Black/We Belong Together, Wasted Reprise, Betterman, Porch
Encore 2: Blood, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World, Yellow Ledbetter
30.09.2006 Athens, Greece, Oaka Basketball Arena
Supporters: Nessuna band in apertura
Soundcheck: Severed Hand, Undone, Don’t Gimme No Lip, varie improv’s per solo voce e chitarra, All Those Yesterdays, Jeremy
Setlist: Go, Animal, Life Wasted, Hail Hail, Corduroy, Severed Hand, World Wide Suicide, Small Town, Given To Fly, Marker In The Sand, Sad, Even Flow, Daughter/Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 (Pink Floyd), You Are, Wishlist, Insignificance, Jeremy, Better Man
Encore 1: Footsteps (Acoustic version), I Am Mine (Acoustic version), Inside Job, Black, Rearviewmirror, Porch
Encore 2: Smile, I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Alive, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix)
21.10.2006 Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA, Bridge School Benefit

Line up: Neil Young, Brian Wilson, Pearl Jam, Trent Reznor, Death Cab For Cutie, Foo Fighters, Devendra Banhart, Dave Matthews Band, Gillian Welch, Beastie Boys.
Soundcheck (20/10): Parachutes, Man of the Hour, Light Years, Soldier of Love (Cason/Moon), Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young) , Gimme Some Truth (John Lennon), Porch, Betterman, Gone, Can’t Keep (EV w/Uke)
Soundcheck (21/10): Thin Air, Thumbing My Way, Daughter, All Those Yesterdays, Man of the Hour, Severed Hand, Parachutes, Don’t Gimme No Lip
Set list: Small Town, Parachutes, Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young, w/ Neil Young), I Used To Work In Chicago (Traditional), Picture in a Frame (Tom Waits), Man of the Hour, Better Man, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams)
Encore (Durante il set di Neil Young): Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young, suonata da tutti i presenti, Ed Vedder e Dave Grohl hanno duettato in diversi momenti della canzone)

22.10.2006 Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA, Bridge School Benefit
Line up: Neil Young, Brian Wilson, Pearl Jam, Trent Reznor, Death Cab For Cutie, Foo Fighters, Devendra Banhart, Dave Matthews Band, Gillian Welch.
Set list: Masters of War (Bob Dylan), Gone, Around The Bend, Thin Air, Lukin, Better Man, Black/ We Belong Together, Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young, w/ Neil Young)
Encore (Durante il set di Neil Young): Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young, suonata da tutti i presenti, Ed Vedder e Dave Grohl hanno duettato in diversi momenti della canzone)


07.11.2006 Sydney, Australia, Acer Arena
Supporters: Kings of Leon.
Soundcheck: Severed Hand (instrumental), Life Wasted, Sad, Hard To Imagine, In Hiding, Man of the Hour, Gone, Comatose
Set list: Release, RVM, Severed Hand, Corduroy, World Wide Suicide, Animal, Marker in the Sand, Small Town, Given 2 Fly, I Got Shit, Daughter/W.M.A., Even Flow, Big Wave, Grievance, Wasted Reprise, Better Man, Do The Evolution
Encore: Man of the Hour, Nothingman, Gone, Black/We Belong Together, Alive
Encore 2: Go, Why Go, Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
08.11.2006 Sydney, Australia, Acer Arena
Supporters: Kings of Leon
EV Preset: You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away (Beatles)
Setlist: Do The Evolution, Hail Hail, Life Wasted, World Wide Suicide, Corduroy, Unemployable, Dissident, Improv, Small Town/A Sort Of Homecoming (U2), Even Flow, Army Reserve, Sad, Whipping, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Present Tense, Down, Comatose, Porch
Encore 1: Low Light, Come Back, Daughter/With My Two Hands (Ben Harper), Alive
Encore 2: Blood, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Indifference
10.11.2006 Brisbane, Australia, Entertainment Center
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Setlist: Interstellar Overdrive (Pink Floyd)/Corduroy, Last Exit, Animal, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Small Town, Faithfull, Marker In The Sand, Even Flow, Insignificance, I Am Mine, Wasted Reprise, Better Man, Lukin, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Off He Goes, Parachutes, Given To Fly, Do The Evolution, Go
Encore 2: Worldwide Suicide, State Of Love And Trust, Black, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
11.11.2006 Brisbane, Australia, Entertainment Center
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Kings of Leon’s Set: (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder) Slow Night, So Long (Kings of Leon)
Setlist: Severed Hand, Corduroy, Given To Fly, Save You, World Wide Suicide, Dissident, Small Town, Gone, Wishlist, Even Flow, MFC, You Are, Not For You, Better Man, Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Do The Evolution
Encore 1: Picture In A Frame (Tom Waits), Daughter/WMA, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: Why Go, Blood, Comatose, Porch, Kick Out The Jams (Mc5), Yellow Ledbetter
13.11.2006 Melbourne, Australia, Rod Laver Arena
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Setlist: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Animal, Spin the Black Circle, Corduroy, Severed Hand, Jeremy, Given To Fly, Marker in the sand, Even Flow, Insignificance, Army Reserve, Daughter/Another Brick in the Wall (Pink Floyd), Leatherman, Do the Evolution, Betterman/Save it 4 Later (English Beat), RVM
Encore 1: Inside Job, Once, Come Back, Black, Alive
Encore 2: Dead Man, State of Love and Trust, Comatose, Why Go, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimy Hendrix)
14.11.2006 Melbourne, Australia, Rod Laver Arena
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Kings of Leon’s Set: (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder) Slow Night, So Long (Kings of Leon)
Setlist: Go, Last Exit, Brain Of J., World Wide Suicide, Given To Fly, Severed Hand, Low Light, Small Town, Gone, Do The Evolution, Even Flow, Lukin, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Life Wasted, Better Man, Glorified Gun, Porch
Encore 1: Thumbing My Way, Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: Big Wave, Blood, Leash, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Indifference
16.11.2006 Melbourne, Australia, Rod Laver Arena
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Setlist: Long Road, Corduroy, Hail Hail, Do the Evolution, Worldwide Suicide, Dissident, Given to Fly, Love Boat Captain, Unemployable, Even Flow, Sad, Present Tense, Save You, Jeremy, Why Go, Comatose, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Man of the Hour, Off He Goes, Small Town, Black, State of Love and Trust, Kick Out the Jams (Mc5)
Encore 2: Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Whipping, Alive, Rockin in the Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
17.11.2006 Melbourne, Australia, Rod Laver Arena, Make Poverty History Concert
Setlist: (solo le canzoni con i Pearl Jam) Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
I Pearl Jam sono apparsi al Make Poverty History Concert al fianco di Bono e The Edge degli U2 per suonare il classico di Neil Young, Rockin in the Free World (con un testo rivisitato per l’occasione). A questo link è visionabile il video di questa esibizione.
18.11.2006 Sydney Australia Acer Arena
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Setlist: Better Man/Save it for Later (English Beat), Last Exit, Animal, World Wide Suicide, Corduroy, Severed Hand, Given to Fly, I Am Mine, Green Disease, Even Flow, Marker in the Sand, Gone, Daughter/Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil) , Grievance, Comatose, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Soon Forget , Inside Job, Small Town, Last Kiss, Alive
Encore 2: Jeremy, Lukin, Do the Evolution, I Got You (Split Enz), Smile , Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
19.11.2006 Newcastle, Australia, Newcastle Entertainment Centre
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Setlist: Alive, Life Wasted, Severed Hand, Save You, Insignificance, Unemployable, Brain of JFK, Red Mosquito, Given To Fly, Last Exit, Hail Hail, Small Town, Better Man, Daughter/War (Edwin Starr), Whipping, Leatherman, Down, Do The Evolution, Undone, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Thumbing My Way, Masters of War (Bob Dylan), Footsteps, Crown of Thorns (Mother Love Bone), Alone, Even Flow
Encore 2: Corduroy, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix)
21.11.2006 Adelaide, Australia, Entertainment Center
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Soundcheck: Alone, Fatal, In My Tree, Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young)
Setlist: Small Town, Go, Do The Evolution, God’s Dice, Once, Immortality, State of Love and Trust, Wishlist, World Wide Suicide, Even Flow, Severed Hand, Army Reserve, Daughter/Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil)/War (Whitfield & Strong), Why Go, Given To Fly, Interstellar Overdrive (Pink Floyd), Corduroy
Encore 1: Man of the Hour, No Woman, No Cry (Bob Marley), Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat), Black, Life Wasted, Alive
Encore 2: Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Don’t Gimme No Lip, Sad, Last Exit, Jeremy, Baba O’Riley (The Who)
22.11.2006 Adelaide, Australia, Entertainment Center
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Setlist: Porch, Animal, Spin The Black Circle, Hail Hail, Do The Evolution, Nothing As It Seems, Love Boat Captain, Throw Your Hatred Down (Neil Young), World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, 1/2 Full, Thin Air, MFC, Present Tense, Not For You/Modern Girl (Sleater-Kinney), Small Town, Even Flow
Encore 1: Inside Job, Wasted Reprise, Better Man, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive
Encore 2: I Believe In Miracles (Ramones), Satan’s Bed, Blood, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter
25.11.2006 Perth, Australia, Subiaco Oval
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Setlist: Go, Animal, Do The Evolution, Comatose, Corduroy, Severed Hand, Given To Fly, Marker In The Sand, Small Town, World Wide Suicide, In Hiding, Even Flow, Daughter/Mother (John Lennon), U, Insignificance, Jeremy, Big Wave, Lukin, Rearviewmirror
Encore 1: Throw Your Arms Around Me (Hunters & Collectors), Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Better Man/Save It For Later (English Beat), State Of Love And Trust, Black, Alive
Encore 2: Wasted Reprise, Why Go, I Got You (Split Enz), Blood, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young)
30.11.2006 Waimea Valley Audubon Center, Oahu, Hawaii (Show Segreto)
Setlist : Corduroy, Do the Evolution, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Even Flow, Small Town, The Amerikan In Me (The Avengers), I Believe in Miracles (Ramones), Can’t Keep, Soon Forget, Crazy Mary, Indiference (w/ Kelly Slater), Better Man, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young, w/ Kelly Slater)
02.12.2006 Honolulu, HI, Blaisdell Center
Supporters: Kings of Leon
Soundcheck: Love Boat Captain, Undone, Thin Air, You Are
Kings of Leon’s Set: (solo le canzoni con Ed Vedder) Slow Night, So Long (Kings of Leon)
Setlist: Oceans, Corduroy, Animal, Do The Evolution, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Given To Fly, Love Boat Captain, Wishlist, Even Flow, You Are, Unemployable, Jeremy, Wasted Reprise, Small Town, Hawaii ’78 (Israel Kamakawiwo’ole), Better Man, Porch
Encore 1: Inside Job, Man of the Hour, Last Kiss (Wayne Cochran), Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Black, Alive
Encore 2: You‘re True, Happy Birthday to Matt, Smile, Why Go, Big Wave, Life Wasted, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Yellow Ledbetter/Little Wing (Jimy Hendrix)
09.12.2006 Honolulu, HI, Aloha Stadium (Pearl Jam come supporters agli U2)
Setlist: Corduroy, Life Wasted, Do The Evolution, Small Town, Even Flow, Hawaii ’78 (Israel Kamakawiwo’ole), Better Man, World Wide Suicide, Given To Fly, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams), Alive, Baba O’Riley (The Who)
U2 Set: (solo le canzoni con i Pearl Jam) The Saints Are Coming (The Skids, con Mike McCready e Billy Joe Armstrong dei Green Day), Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young, con Ed Vedder)