Si ringraziano, e
12/01/1993 Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame, Century Plaza Hotel: Los Angeles, CA
Setlist: Roadhouse Blues (The Doors), Break on Through (The Doors), Light My Fire (The Doors)
Eddie partecipa alla cerimonia annuale della Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame tenendo il discorso di introduzione per I The Doors e cantando con i membri ancora in vita (Robbie Krieger, John Densmore e Ray Manzarek) tre classici del loro repertorio.
23/01/1993 Palladium: Hollywood, CA
Setlist: improv/Porch, Homeless (Bad Radio), Throw Your Arms Around Me (Hunters and Collectors)
Eddie partecipa all’evento benefico organizzato da Rock for Choice in onore del ventesimo anniversario della storica sentenza della Corte suprema, “Roe vs Wade”, che legisla la possibilità di aborto in USA. Altri artisti presenti sono Screaming Trees, 7 Year Bitch e Green Apple Quick Step. Il breve Setlist di Eddie in acustico include Homeless, una cover Bad Radio, la precedente band del cantante.
13/05/1993 Slim’s Cafe: San Francisco, CA
Setlist: Animal, Go, Even Flow, Blood, Daughter, W.M.A., Dissident, Why Go, Eruption (Van Halen), Alive, Hard to Imagine, Rearviewmirror, Better Man, Dirty Frank, Rats, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Once, Jeremy, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Cindy Lauper), Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Release, Alone, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (AC/DC), Whipping, Leash, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys)
Debutto dal vivo di Animal, Go, Blood, W.M.A., Dissident, Rearviewmirror, Better Man, Rats e Whipping. Prima versione completa di testo “definitivo” di Hard To Imagine. Concerto segreto (publicizzati come David J. Gunn Band) con finalità benefiche per raccogliere fondi per l’assistenza legale ai membri della Surfrider Foundation.
16/06/1993 University Theatre: University of Montana: Missoula, MT
Setlistlist: Animal, Go, Whipping, Even Flow, Dissident, Once, Glorified G, Why Go, Jeremy, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Alive, Black, Blood, Oceans, Deep, Leash, Rats, Dirty Frank, Porh, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Baba O’Riley (The Who), Garden, Indifference
Band di supporto Orgone Box. Debutto dal vivo di Glorified G, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter in a Small Town, Fuckin’ Up e Indifference. Concerto iniziato un’ora e mezza dopo l’orario previsto per permettere agli spettatori di seguire prima la finale del NBA.
17/06/1993 The Met: Spokane, WA
Setlist: Go, Animal, Whipping, Even Flow, Rearviewmirror, Dissident, Once, Brother, Glorified G, Why Go, Jeremy, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Tow, Alive, Blood, Porch
Band di supporto Lazy Susan.
26/06/1993 Sentrum Scene: Oslo, Norvegia
Setlist: Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter/W.M.A., Garden, Go, Animal, Alive, Porch, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Leash, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), State of Love and Trust
Concerto segreto che vale come data zero del tour europeo.
27/06/1993 Isle of Calf Festival: Oslo, Norvegia
Setlist: Even Flow, Animal, Go, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Deep, Why Go, Jeremy, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Glorified G, Daughter/Pulled Up (Talking Heads), Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Encore: Oceans, Leash, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys)
Concerto in supporto a Neil Young.
28/06/1993 Sjöhistoriska Museet: Stoccolma, Svezia
Setlist: Animal, Go, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Why Go, Jeremy, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Encore: Daughter/Tonight’s the Night (Neil Young)
Concerto in supporto a Neil Young. Durante il concerto di Neil Young la band sale sul palco per suonare insieme Rockin’ In The Free World.
30/06/1993 Jäähalli: Helsinki, Finland
Setlist: Animal, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Porch/Across the Universe (The Beatles)/Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young)
Concerto in supporto a Neil Young.
02/07/1993 Stadio Bentegodi: Verona, Italia
Setlist: Even Flow, Animal, Go, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Why Go, Jeremy, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Porch
Concerto in supporto agli U2.
03/07/1993 Stadio Bentegodi: Verona, Italia
Setlist: Why Go, Jeremy, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter, Alive, Go, Sympathy for the Devil (The Rolling Stones), Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Concerto in supporto agli U2.
06/07/1993 Stadio Flaminio: Roma, Italia
Setlist: Why Go, Jeremy, Even Flow, Glorified G, I Will Follow (U2), Daughter, Animal, Alive, Dissident, Blood, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Concerto in supporto agli U2.
07/07/1993 Stadio Flaminio: Roma, Italia
Setlist: Even Flow, improv, Go, Once, Rearviewmirror, Why Go, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter/MLK (U2), Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Blood, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Concerto in supporto agli U2.
10/07/1993 Slane Castle: Slane, Irlanda
Setlist: Why Go, Jeremy, Even Flow, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Once, Glorified G, Daughter/Rain (The Beatles), Alive, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Concerto in supporto a Van Morrison e Neil Young. Durante il concerto di Neil Young la band sale sul palco per suonare insieme Rockin’ In The Free World.
11/07/1993 Finsbury Park: Londra, Inghilterra
Setlist: Animal, Go, Once, Blood, Even Flow, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter, Alive, improv, Why Go, Leash, Porch/Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young)/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Concerto insieme a James, Teenage Fanclub e 4 Non-blondes in supporto a Neil Young.
13/07/1993 Brixton Academy: Londra, Inghilterra
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Blood, Dissident, Even Flow, Go, Animal, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Glorified G, Daughter, Alive, Rats, Porch, Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Once, Indifference
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
14/07/1993 Brixton Academy: Londra, Inghilterra
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Blood, Animal, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Beast of Burden (The Rolling Stones)/Suck You Dry (Mudhoney), Alive, Black/improv/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Go, Daughter/W.M.A., Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Once, Garden, improv, State of Love and Trust
Encore 1: Leash, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys)
Encore 2: Indifference
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
16/07/1993 Sportpaleis Ahoy: Rotterdam, Olanda
Setlist: Release, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Glorified G, Daughter/W.M.A., Garden, Go, Animal, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), improv, Once, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Leash
Encore 1: Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), State of Love and Trust
Encore 2: Indifference
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
17/07/1993 Sportpaleis Ahoy: Rotterdam, Olanda
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Once, Whipping, Rearviewmirror, Jeremy, Deep, Garden, Animal, State of Love and Trust, Angie (The Rolling Stones), Black/Every Breath You Take (The Police), Alive, Glorified G, Daughter/Ruby Tuesday (The Rolling Stones), Why Go
Encore 1: Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Leash, Porch
Encore 2: Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), W.M.A., Footsteps, Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
18/07/1993 Paradiso: Amsterdam, Olanda
Setlist: Indifference, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter, Black, Why Go, Hard To Imagine, Jeremy, Porch
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe. Concerto segreto terminato forzatamente in anticipo a causa di problemi alla voce di Eddie.
11/08/1993 Max Bell Arena: Calgary, Alberta
Setlist: sconosciuta
Band di supporto Cadillac Tramps.
12/08/1993 Convention Center: Edmonton, Alberta
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Once, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, Garden, Why Go, Daughter, Owner of a Lonely Heart (Yes) (setlist incompleta)
14/08/1993 Sunfest ’93, Gimli Motorsport Park: Gimli, Manitoba
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Animal, Glorified G, Daughter/Gimme Shelter (The Rolling Stones), Go, State of Love and Trust, Garden, Blood, Alive, Black/Every Breath You Take (The Police), Once, Porch, Indifference, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Baba O’Riley (The Who)
17/08/1993 Robert Guertin Arena: Hull, Quebec
Setlist: Go, Animal, Rearviewmirror, Once, Even Flow, Alive, Why Go, Black, Jeremy, Porch, Deep, Indifference, Daughter, Baba O’Riley (The Who)
18/08/1993 Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) Stadium: Toronto, Ontario
Setlist: Go, Animal, Why Go, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Even Flow, Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd), Glorified G, Daughter, Alive, Porch, Baba O’Riley (The Who) w/John Popper
Concerto insieme a Blues Traveler e Soundgarden in supporto a Neil Young. John Popper dei Blues Traveler ha accompagnato la band suonando l’armonica su Baba O’Riley. Durante il concerto di Neil Young la band sale sul palco per suonare insieme Rockin’ In The Free World.
19/08/1993 Verdun Auditorium: Montreal, Quebec
Setlist: Oceans, Go, Animal, Why Go, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Whipping, Porch/Across the Universe (The Beatles)/Tearing (Rollins Band), Once, Garden, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), The Kids are Alright (The Who)
Encore: Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Indifference
Band di supporto Doughboys. Debutto dal vivo di The Kids Are Alright.
02/09/1993 MTV Video Music Awards, Universal Amphitheater: Universal City, CA
Setlist: Animal, Rockin’ In The Free World w/Neil Young
In questa edizione la band riceve quattro premi per il video di Jeremy.
02/09/1993 Viper Room: Los Angeles, CA
Setlist: Animal, Rockin’ in the Free World, Once, Even Flow, Rearviewmirror, State of Love and Trust, Sonic Reducer (setlist incompleta)
Band di supporto Darling Buds. Concerto avvenuto dopo la partecipazione agli MTV Awards nel locale di proprietà di Johnny Depp. Micheal Stipe e Bill Berry dei R.E.M. presenti alla serata hanno raggiunto la band sul palco durante il concerto.
04/09/1993 B.C. Place Stadium: Vancouver, BC
Setlist: Rearviewmirror, Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, Glorified G, Daughter/The Real Me (The Who), Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Animal, Go, Jeremy, Leash, Once, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Porch
Concerto suonato insieme ai Blind Melon in supporto a Neil Young.
04/09/1993 Rendevous Club: Seattle, WA
Setlist: sconosciuta
La band dopo aver aperto il concerto di Neil Young a Vancouver qualche ora prima si è esibita in questo locale di Seattle.
05/09/1993 Gorge Amphitheater: George, WA
Setlist: Go, Animal, Once, Even Flow, Dissident, Rearviewmirror, Garden, Blood, Jeremy, Why Go, Glorified G, Yellow Ledbetter, Daughter/Tonight’s the Night (Neil Young), Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Porch/Suck You Dry (Mudhoney)
Encore: Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys) w/Mark Arm, Leash
Concerto suonato insieme ai Blind Melon in supporto a Neil Young.
06/09/1993 Portland Meadows Race Track: Portland, OR
Setlist: Go, Animal, Even Flow, Alive, Blood, Once, Glorified G, Daughter/Gimme Shelter (The Rolling Stones), Deep, Jeremy, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Porch/Suck You Dry (Mudhoney), Why Go, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams) w/Victoria Williams
Concerto suonato insieme ai Blind Melon in supporto a Neil Young. Debutto dal vivo di Crazy Mary. Durante il concerto di Neil Young la band insieme a Victoria Williams sale sul palco per suonare insieme Rockin’ In The Free World.
18/10/1993 Rockline, KISW FM: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Bee Girl
Debutto dal vivo di Bee Girl. Alla fine di questo speciale radiofonico in cui vengono presentati alcuni brani di Vs. Eddie e Jeff eseguono Bee Girl in acustico.
25/10/1993 The Off Ramp: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Go, Animal, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Daughter, Dissident, Even Flow, Glorified G, Indifference, Once, Rats, Rearviewmirror, State of Love and Trust, Why Go, W.M.A., My Generation (The Who)
Concerto segreto in preparazione al tour di Vs.
27/10/1993 The Catalyst: Santa Cruz, CA
Setlist: Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Animal, Go, Breath, Glorified G, Daughter, Rats, Even Flow, Blood, Once, Jeremy, Sail Away (Neil Young), Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), improv, Why Go, Deep, Garden, Porch/W.M.A.
Encore: Indifference
Band di supporto American Music Club. Secondo concerto segreto in preparazione al tour di Vs.
28/10/1993 Warfield Theater: San Francisco, CA
Setlist: Release, Animal, Go, Blood, Even Flow, improv (I Could Prove to You), Dissident, Why Go, Jeremy, Daughter/The Real Me (The Who), Rearviewmirror, Once, Alive, Garden, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Encore: My Generation (The Who), Whipping, Leash, Indifference
Band di supporto Rollins Band. Prima data “ufficiale” del tour di Vs.
30/10/1993 SJSU Event Center: San Jose, CA
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Go, Animal, Why Go, Sick o’ Pussies (Bad Radio), Deep, Glorified G, Daughter, Rearviewmirror, Rats, Blood, Jeremy, Once, Hard to Imagine, Porch, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Alive, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Indifference
Band di supporto Rollins Band.
31/10/1993 Greek Theatre: Berkeley, CA
Setlist: Go, Animal, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Glorified G, Even Flow, Daughter, Alive, Dissident, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, State of Love and Trust, Porch
Encore: Blood, Once, Footsteps, Alone, Fuckin’ Up (Neil Young), Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Baba O’Riley (The Who), Indifference
Band di supporto American Music Club e Rollins Band.
02/11/1993 Civic Theatre: San Diego, CA
Setlist: Oceans, Go, Animal, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter/Shine (Rollins Band), State of Love and Trust, Garden, Alive, Black/Every Breath You Take (The Police), improv, Porch/improv
Encore 1: The Kids are Alright (The Who), Blood, Why Go, Once/Tearing (Rollins Band), Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys)
Encore 2: Indifference
Band di supporto American Music Club.
03/11/1993 Civic Theatre: San Diego, CA
Setlist: Release, Animal, Why Go, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Go, Even Flow, Dissident, Daughter/Young Man Blues (Mose Allison), Alive, Once, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), improv (Hold Me), Porch, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter in a Small Town, Whipping, Glorified G, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Baba O’Riley (The Who), Indifference
Band di supporto American Music Club.
05/11/1993 Whisky A Go-Go: Hollywood, CA
Setlist: sconosciuta
05/11/1993 Empire Polo Fields: Indio, CA
Setlist: Release, Go, Animal, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter/improv (It’s Time to Realign Your Body with Your Mind), Alive, Rearviewmirror, improv (Thank You), Blood, Rats, Once, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Fuck Me in the Brain
Encore: Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Even Flow, Indifference, Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Band di supporto Weapon of Choice, Eleven e American Music Club. Il concerto previsto inizialmente nell’are di Los Angeles viene spostato nel deserto californiano ad Indio dove poi anni dopo si svolgerà il Coachella Festival. Il concerto è famoso per il continuo lancio di scarpe da parte di un pubblico molto rude ed indisciplinato che causò naturalmente malumore e rabbia alla band. In questo concerto vengono registrate Blood, che verrà pubblicata come bside del singolo di Daughter, e Fuck Me in the Brain, che diventerà un singolo natalizio per il fan club.
06/11/1993 Mesa Amphitheater: Mesa, AZ
Setlist: Why Go, Jeremy, Go, Animal, Dissident, Alive, Glorified G, Daughter/improv/W.M.A., Once, Even Flow, Black, Deep, Leash, I am a Patriot (Steven Van Zandt), Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Garden, Yellow Ledbetter, Porch/Sunshine On My Shoulders (John Denver)
Band di supporto Mohican, Bill Miller e Butthole Surfers. Entrambi I concerti di Mesa hanno finalità benefiche a favore del Mt. Graham, una montagna sacra per il popolo Apache. Questa versione di Yellow Ledbetter viene registrata e pubblicata in seguito come bside del singolo di Daughter.
07/11/1993 Mesa Amphitheater: Mesa, AZ
Setlist: Release, Why Go, Jeremy, Go, Animal, Better Man, Alive, Glorified G, Daughter, State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, Black, Blood, Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Porch
Encore 1: Rats, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Footsteps
Encore 2: Leash, Indifference
Band di supporto Mohican, Bill Miller e Butthole Surfers. Entrambi I concerti di Mesa hanno finalità benefiche a favore del Mt. Graham, una montagna sacra per il popolo Apache.
09/11/1993 Convention Exhibition Hall: Albuquerque, NM
Setlist: Animal, Go, Even Flow, Dissident, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Blood, Alive, Black/Every Breath You Take (The Police), State of Love and Trust, improv/Once, Glorified G, Daughter/The Real Me(The Who), Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Porch, Indifference
Band di supporto Butthole Surfers.
11/11/1993 University of North Texas Coliseum, Super Pit: Denton, TX
Setlist: Go, Animal, Why Go/No Attention (Sex Pistols), Deep, Jeremy, Dissident, Even Flow, Daughter/Footsteps, Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Alive, Black/Every Breath You Take (The Police), State of Love and Trust, Once, Happy Birthday, Glorified G, Garden, Porch, Leash, Yellow Ledbetter
Band di supporto Butthole Surfers.
12/11/1993 Moody Coliseum, SMU: Dallas, TX
Setlist: Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Even Flow, Sick o’ Pussies (Bad Radio)/Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Glorified G, Daughter/The Real Me (The Who), Go, Animal, Oceans, State of Love and Trust, Alive
Encore1: Blood, Dissident, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), improv (Don’t Think You Trust Me?), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/King’s X
Encore 2: Garden, Porch
Encore 3: Angel
Band di supporto Butthole Surfers. Angel suonata da Dave alla chitarra.
16/11/1993 UNO Lakefront Arena: New Orleans, LA
Setlist: Release, Go, Animal, Why Go, Sick o’ Pussies (Bad Radio)/Deep, Jeremy, Dissident, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter/W.M.A., Blood, Alive, State of Love and Trust, Porch
enc 1: The Kids are Alright (The Who), Rearviewmirror, Last Exit, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys)
enc 2:Indifference
Band di supporto Urge Overkill. Debutto dal vivo di Last Exit.
17/11/1993 UNO Lakefront Arena: New Orleans, LA
Setlist: Oceans, Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter/Release, Go, Animal, Footsteps, Alive, Garden, Porch
enc 1: Rats, Ben (Micheal Jackson), Blood, Crazy Mary (Victoria Williams) w/Victoria Williams e Brendan O’Brien, Indifference
enc 2: Leash
Band di supporto Urge Overkill.
19/11/1993 UNO Lakefront Arena: New Orleans, LA
Setlist: Go, Animal, Once/W.M.A., Dissident, Jeremy, Deep, State of Love and Trust, Glorified G, Daughter, Even Flow, Rats, Blood, Alive, Why Go, Leash, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Rearviewmirror, Porch, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Indifference
Band di supporto Urge Overkill.
20/11/1993 Stephen F. Austin Arena: Nacogdoches, TX
Setlist: Daughter, Glorified G, Why Go, Deep, improv (Take Me), Even Flow, Go, Animal, Alone, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), improv, Garden, Jeremy, Blood, Alive, Yellow Ledbetter, Footsteps, Throw Your Arms Around Me (Hunters and Collectors), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/Blackie Onassis
Band di supporto Urge Overkill. Alla fine di Alive Dave ha un malore e la band decide allora di suonare il resto del concerto senza batteria tranne per il finale del concerto in cui su Rockin’ in the Free World sale sul palco Blackie Onassis il batterista degli Urge Overkill.
22/11/1993 Barton Coliseum: Little Rock, AR
Setlist: Release, Rearviewmirror, Even Flow, Alive, Once, Why Go, Black, Jeremy, Garden, Deep, Go, Animal, Daughter, Glorified G, Leash, Porch, Indifference (setlist incompleta)
Band di supporto Urge Overkill. Originariamente il concerto era previsto a Pine Bluff, AR.
23/11/1993 T&T Center: Oklahoma City, OK
Setlist: Wash, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter/W.M.A., Even Flow, Alone, State of Love and Trust, Garden, Go, Animal, Alive
enc 1: improv/Rearviewmirror, Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town, Leash, Porch
enc 2: Indifference
Band di supporto Urge Overkill.
24/11/1993 Century II: Wichita, KS
Setlist: Go, Animal, Even Flow, Glorified G, Daughter/I’m One (The Who), Jeremy, Deep, Oceans, State of Love and Trust, Dissident, Alive, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)
enc 1: The Kids are Alright (The Who), Rearviewmirror, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
enc 2: Indifference
Band di supporto Urge Overkill.
26/11/1993 Balch Fieldhouse: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Setlist: Go, Animal, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Dissident, Daughter/Fuck Me in the Brain, Even Flow, Blood, Garden, State of Love and Trust, Once
Encore: Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Indifference, Porch
Band di supporto Urge Overkill e Mudhoney.
27/11/1993 Balch Fieldhouse: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Setlist: Even Flow, Deep, Once, Glorified G, Daughter, Go, Animal, Alive, Blood, Leash, Saying No/Why Go, Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys) w/Mark Arm.
Band di supporto Urge Overkill e Mudhoney. Un terzo concerto a Boulder era previsto per il giorno seguente ma l’Università del Colorado decise di cancellarlo ufficialmente per il timore che Eddie potesse incitare il pubblico a ribellarsi contro il personale di sicurezza.
30/11/1993 Aladdin Theater: Las Vegas, NV
Setlist: Even Flow, Once, Deep, Jeremy, Dissident, Daughter/Instant Karma(John Lennon)/Across the Universe (The Beatles)/Get Back (The Beatles), Go, Animal, State of Love and Trust, Tremor Christ, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Blood, Alive
Encore 1: Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Leash, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Encore 2: Swallow My Pride (Green River) w/Mark Arm, Steve Turner e Chuck Treece, Ain’t Nothing to Do (Dead Boys) w/Mark Arm, Steve Turner e Chuck Treece, My Way (Paul Anka) w/Terry Presley
Band di supporto Mudhoney. Debutto dal vivo di Tremor Christ. Il concerto originariamente era previsto presso il Sands Hotel. Nel secondo encore si riformano dopo molti anni I Green River con Mark Arm e Steve Turner dei Mudhoney e Chuck Treece degli Urge Overkill alla batteria. Il finale dello show è affidato ad una cover di My Way cantata in duetto da Eddie e da un sosia di Elvis Presley. Questa versione verrà pubblicata come singolo natalizio per il fan club.
01/12/1993 Aladdin Theater: Las Vegas, NV
Setlist: Release, Go, Animal, Why Go, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter/The Real Me (The Who), Even Flow, Garden, Blood, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Footsteps, Porch, improv, Rearviewmirror, Alone, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/Mudhoney e Urge Overkill, Indifference
Band di supporto Mudhoney. Il concerto originariamente era previsto presso il Sands Hotel.
02/12/1993 Lawlor Athletic Events Center: Reno, NV
Setlist: Whipping, Rearviewmirror, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Animal, Daughter, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy w/Nash Kato, Once, Alive, Footsteps, Rats, Porch
Encore: Go, Black/improv, Sonic Reducer, Ain’t Nothing to Do (Dead Boys), Indifference
Band di supporto Urge Overkill e Mudhoney.
07/12/1993 Seattle Center Arena: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Go, Animal, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Glorified G, Daughter/Golden Years (David Bowie)/ Across the Universe (The Beatles), Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Blood, improv (Don’t Touch Me There), Porch, Rearviewmirror, Whipping, Garden, Leash, Indifference
Band di supporto Six in the Clip e Urge Overkill.
08/12/1993 Seattle Center Arena: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Dissident, Sick o’ Pussies (Bad Radio)/Go, Animal, Jeremy, Deep, Why Go, Daughter/Do You Feel Lucky?/W.M.A., Glorified G, Alive, Once, Footsteps, Porch
Encore 1: Last Exit, Tremor Christ, Blood, State of Love and Trust, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles), Rearviewmirror
Encore 2: Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
09/12/1993 Center Arena: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Rearviewmirror, improv, Whipping, Why Go, Deep, Dissident, Go, Animal, Jeremy, Garden, Blood, State of Love and Trust, Daughter/Golden Years (David Bowie), Alive, Once, Last Exit, Glorified G, Porch, Indifference
Band di supporto Hater e Urge Overkill. Ultimo concerto dell’anno per la band che avrebbe dovuto suonare anche il 13 dicembre presso il Pier 48 di Seattle per registrare uno speciale di MTV Live and Loud da trasmettere alla vigilia di capodanno ma all’ultimo minuto la band si tirò indietro ufficialmente per colpa di un malanno che aveva colpito Eddie.