A message released by Pearl Jam in a 14 seconds long teaser.
UPDATE (09/19/2019) | PJ Halloween t-shirt is now available at pearljam.com.
On September 14th a short video appeared on social networks showing a date (September 19th) with a message (“something spooky is in the works”).
As reported in the message, the mysterious news that will be shared on September 19th won’t be about a new album or a new tour for the band. We have no clues but it could be about the Halloween t-shirt pre-order. For now we can only wait for next Thursday September 19th.
Born in Rome in 1980, she began to collaborate with pearljamonline.it in December 2017 managing to combine her two greatest passions: the English language and Pearl Jam.
Favorite song: Smile
Favorite album: Yield
Favorite bands/artists other than PJ: Dave Matthews Band, R.E.M., Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Björk, Smashing Pumpkins