Si ringraziano, e
02/01/1992 Salem Armory University: Salem, OR
Setlist: sconosciuta
Concerto suonato in supporto dei Nirvana e dei Red Hot Chili Peppers.
03/01/1992 RKCNDY: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Once, State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, Black, Deep, Why Go, Porch, Breath
Concerto organizzato all’ultimo minuto a causa della cancellazione del previsto concerto in supporto di Nirvana e Red Hot Chili Peppers presso il Seattle Center a causa di problemi di salute di Cobain e Kiedis.
17/01/1992 Moore Theater: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Porch, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash, Breath/War Pigs (Black Sabbath), Baba O’Riley
Debutto dal vivo di Baba O’Riley. Questa versione di Even Flow viene registrata per il videoclip.
24/01/1992 Palladium: Los Angeles, CA
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Concerto benefico a favore di Rock For Choice suonato insieme a Fugazi, L7, Lunachicks e Torture Chorus.
03/02/1992 The Esplanade Club: Southend, Inghilterra
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Why Go, Jeremy, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash, jam, Porch
Encore: Release, Breath
Primo concerto europeo della band. Concerto a sorpresa. Data zero dell’imminente tour.
04/02/1992 The Late Show, BBC2 TV: Londra, Inghilterra
Setlist: Alive
Prima esibizione in un programma televisivo.
04/02/1992 Borderline: Londra, Inghilterra
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State Of Love And Trust, Alive, Black, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Porch.
Encore: Leash, Breath
Prima data “ufficiale” del tour in questo minuscolo locale situato nel seminterrato di un ristorante messicano.
07/02/1992 Koolkat Klub: Stoccolma, Svezia
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Suggestion (Fugazi)/Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, improv/Atomic Dog (George Clinton), Garden, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash
Jeff appare molto infastidito dalla qualità dell’impianto audio di questo locale al punto da definirlo “fottutamente ridicolo”.
08/02/1992 Alaska: Oslo, Norvegia
Setlist: sconosciuta
09/02/1992 Pumpe HuSetlist: Copenhagen, Danimarca
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Suggestion (Fugazi), State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Alone, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog), Oceans, Window Paine (Smashing Pumpkins), Breath, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash
Parte del concerto viene trasmesso da una radio danese.
10/02/1992 Virgin Records: Parigi, Francia
Setlist: Wash, Alive, Black, Porch
Concerto acustico in-store.
11/02/1992 Locomotive: Parigi, Francia
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi), Breath, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)
Una delle prime se non addirittura la primissima versione di Black con la tag We Belong Together di Rickie Lee Jones in coda. Dopo Suggestion Eddie afferma “Mike Tyson colpevole” (accusato di abusi sessuali in quei giorni).
12/02/1992 Melkweg: Amsterdam, Olanda
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Bad Mouth (Fugazi)/Porch
Encore: I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)
Versione di oltre 10 minuti di I’ve Got A Feeling con Eddie in un “aiuto” improvvisato a Dave Abruzzese alla batteria nella coda della canzone. Lo stage diving in questo concerto è assolutamente fuori controllo, più del solito. Una parte del concerto viene trasmessa da una radio locale olandese.
15/02/1992 Revolver: Madrid, Spagna
Setlist: Wash, Even Flow, Once, Alive, Yellow Ledbetter, Black (setlist incompleta)
Prima esecuzione, seppur in versione solamente accennata alla chitarra da parte di Mike, di Yellow Ledbetter.
18/02/1992 Sorpasso: Milano, Italia
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Why Go, Porch, jam, Jeremy, Breath
Encore: I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles), Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog), Leash
Primo concerto italiano per la band in un locale affollato probabilmente più del consentito al punto che la jam suonata prima di Jeremy è incentrata sul ripetere continuo di Eddie della parola “attenzione” come monito per il pubblico che a malapena riusciva a muoversi nella calca che si era creata nel locale. Nel pomeriggio prima del concerto la band registra alcune canzoni per l’emittente televisiva Videomusic.
19/02/1992 Albani Bar of Music: Winterthur, Svizzera
Setlist: Garden (setlist incompleta)
A causa del palco troppo piccolo per le loro esigenze la band affitta degli strumenti acustici incluso un bongo per Dave e decide di suonare un concerto acustico. Nonostante questo “inconveniente” e nonostante il poco spazio in un locale piccolissimo Eddie si è comunque arrampicato fino alla balconata per gettarsi tra le braccia del pubblico.
21/02/1992 International II: Manchester, Inghilterra
Setlist: sconosciuta
Durante il concerto il tour bus della band viene svaligiato dai ladri.
22/02/1992 Riverside, Newcastle, Inghilterra
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep/Island Of Souls (Sting), Alive, Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog), Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Encore: My Generation (The Who), Window Paine (Smashing Pumpkins), Garden, Leash
Debutto dal vivo seppur in versione ridotta per il classico dei The Who My Generation.
23/02/1992 Cathouse: Glasgow, Scozia
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State Of Love And Trust, Once, Porch
25/02/1992 Rock City: Nottingham, Inghilterra
Setlist: Wash, Once, Outshined (Soundgarden), Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Sympathy For The Devil (The Rolling Stones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog), Porch, Garden, improv, Leash
Concerto suonato il giorno dopo il lancio ufficiale di Ten in Inghilterra.
26/02/1992 Edward’s No. 8: Birmingham, Inghilterra
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, improv, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Encore: Garden, Leash
27/02/1992 Queenshall: Bradford, Inghilterra
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alone, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, jam, Leash, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles), My Generation (The Who)
Eddie confessa al pubblico di avere problemi alla gola e, dopo aver declamato il testo di Once, chiede al pubblico di aiutarlo a cantare almeno il ritornello.
28/02/1992 Union of London University: Londra, Inghilterra
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, All Right Now (Free), Alone, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Outshined (Soundgarden), Porch/improv
Encore: Leash, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)/Dirty Frank/Atomic Dog (George Clinton)/Golden Slumbers (The Beatles)
I’ve Got A Feeling presenta una lunghissima jam finale con diverse canzoni citate al suo interno.
01/03/1992 Vera: Groningen, Olanda
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Encore: Leash, improv, Say Hello 2 Heaven (Temple Of The Dog), I’ve Got A Feeling (The Beatles)/jam
Band di supporto Captain Nemo.
02/03/1992 Paard: Den Haag, Olanda
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, Saying No, Alone, Once, Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen), Porch
Encore: Garden, Leash, I’ve Got A Feeling (The Beatles) w/Jason/Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog)/Say Hello 2 Heaven (Temple Of The Dog)/Jane Says (Jane’s Addiction)
Bohemian Rhapsody è intonata a cappella da Mike e Stone. La lunghissima ennesima versione di I’ve Got A Feeling con svariate tag vede alla chitarra la partecipazione di Jason, fratello di Eddie.
04/03/1992 Tivoli: Utrecht, Olanda
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Sympathy For The Devil (The Rolling Stones), Porch
Encore: jam, Alone, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash, Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog), Garden, jam
Nella jam ad inizio dell’encore Eddie suona la batteria. Durante il concerto Eddie racconta di essersi fatto tatuare il polpaccio destro il giorno prima, giorno in cui la band avrebbe dovuto esibirsi al Vereeniging di Nimega ma il concerto venne annullato a causa di problemi alla voce di Eddie.
05/03/1992 Effenaar: Eindhoven, Olanda
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Leash, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi), Deep, Garden
Band di supporto The Convenant.
06/03/1992 Nighttown: Rotterdam, Olanda
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Encore: improv, Garden, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash, improv, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)
08/03/1992 Live Music Hall: Colonia, Germania
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow w/Scully, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, jam, Why Go, Porch, Saying No, Garden, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash
Scully, il tecnico del suono di Stone, suona con la band durante Even Flow.
09/03/1992 The Loft: Berlino, Germania
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), jam/Dirty Frank, Porch
Encore: Garden, Leash
Debutto dal vivo di Rockin’ In The Free World di Neil Young. Eddie prima di Rockin’ in the Free World dice “se dobbiamo suonarla da qualche parte, dobbiamo suonarla qui”. Al ritorno sul palco prima di Garden Eddie dice “voglio chiarire una cosa… noi non siamo il suono di Seattle. Ci sono diversi suoni di Seattle”.
10/03/1992 Markthalle: Amburgo, Germania
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, improv, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, improv (I’m Not Crazy)/Once, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden, Leash, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)
12/03/1992 Batschkaap: Francoforte, Germania
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Once, Alive, Black, Where Do The Children Play (Cat Stevens), State of Love and Trust, Deep, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi), Breath, Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash
13/03/1992 Nachtwerk: Monaco, Germania
Setlist: Once, Even Flow, Alive, Why Go, Black, Jeremy, Oceans, Porch, Garden, Deep, Release
Encore: Leash, Outshined (Soundgarden), Angie (The Rolling Stones), State of Love and Trust, improv, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)
Ultimo concerto del primo tour europeo. Nel main set viene proposto per intero ed in ordine di esecuzione l’album Ten.
16/03/1992 MTV Unplugged, Kaufman Astoria Studios: Queens, NY
Setlist: Oceans, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Jeremy, Porch, Even Flow, Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Concerto acustico per la celebre serie MTV Unplugged.
25/03/1992 First Avenue Club: Minneapolis, MN
Setlist: Wash, Outshined (Soundgarden)/Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Suggestion (Fugazi), Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Encore: Garden, Leash
Band di supporto Eleven.
26/03/1992 R & R Station: Madison, WI
Setlist: Wash, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Encore: Garden, Leash
Band di supporto Eleven.
27/03/1992 Marquette University Alumni Hall: Milwaukee, WI
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, improv/Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Once, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Porch, Leash, Outshined (Soundgarden), I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)/Dirty Frank w/Jimmy Chamberlain
Band di supporto Smashing Pumpkins.
28/03/1992 Cabaret Metro: Chicago, IL
Setlist: Release, improv (You Tell Me), Even Flow, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Encore 1: Garden, Leash
Encore 2: Window Paine (Smashing Pumpkins) w/Smashing Pumpkins, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles) w/Smashing Pumpkins
Band di supporto Smashing Pumpkins. Parte del concerto viene trasmesso in diretta su una radio locale.
30/03/1992 Bogart’s: Cincinnati, OH
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Garden, Leash
Band di supporto Eleven.
31/03/1992 Newport Music Hall: Columbus, OH
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Band di supporto Eleven.
02/04/1992 Peabody’s Down Under: Cleveland, OH
Setlist: Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young), Porch, Garden, Leash
Band di supporto Eleven.
03/04/1992 St. Andrew’s Hall: Detroit, MI
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Sirty Frank, Once, Porch, Garden, Leash, I’ve Got A Feeling (The Beatles), Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young)
Debutto dal vivo di Dirty Frank in versione completa.
04/04/1992 Concert Hall: Toronto, Ontario
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Once, improv, Porch, Breath, Happy Birthday, Leash
Happy Birthday cantata per il compleanno di Mike.
06/04/1992 Cumnock Hall: Lowell, MA
Setlist: Oceans, improv, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Happy Birthday, State of Love and Trust, improv/Once, Porch, Garden
Band di supporto Eleven. Happy Birthday cantata per il compleanno del tecnico del suono Brett.
07/04/1992 Student Union Ballroom, UMass: Amherst, MA
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Garden, Leash
Band di supporto Eleven.
08/04/192 Axis Club: Boston, MA
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), improv, State of Love and Trust, improv/Once, Porch
Encore: Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash
Band di supporto Eleven. Presente in scaletta Dirty Frank ma non suonata.
10/04/1992 Trocadero Club: Philadelphia, PA
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Release, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch, Garden, Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Eleven. Eddie canta la seconda parte di Leash sulle spalle di un membro della crew.
11/04/1992 Saturday Night Live, Rockfeller Center Studio: New York, NY
Setlist: Alive, Porch
La band appare brevemente anche in una scenetta con Sharon Stone.
12/04/1992 Limelight: New York, NY
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Suggestion (Fugazi), Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Encore: Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles), Release
13/04/1992 Ritchie Coliseum, University of Maryland: College Park, MD
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, imrov/Garden, Outshined (Soundgatden), Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
16/04/1992 Legion Field, University of Georgia: Athens, GA
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Wash, Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Alive w/Follow For Now (setlist incomplete)
Band di supporto Follow For Now. Il concerto viene portato a fatica a termine da Eddie a causa di problemi alla voce che il già il giorno prima aveva causato la cancellazione del concerto previsto al 1313 di Charlotte, NC e che causerà la cancellazione del concerto previsto il giorno dopo al Masquerade di Atlanta, GA.
19/04/1992 Edge Fest, Starplex Amphitheater: Dallas, TX
Setlist: Even Flow, Deep, Alive (setlist incompleta)
20/04/1992 Tipitinas: New Orleans, LA
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, improv (I’m Not Crazy)/Once, Porch
Encore: improv/Garden, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
22/04/1992 Janus Landing: St. Petersburg, FL
Setlist: sconosciuta
23/04/1992 Cameo Theater: Miami, FL
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Encore: Suggestion (Fugazi) Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
24/04/1992 The Edge: Orlando, FL
Setlist: sconosciuta
I problemi alla voce di Eddie continuano durante il tour che vedrà cancellato un altro concerto il giorno dopo previsto al Night Owl di Pensacola, FL.
28/04/1992 The Coliseum: Austin, TX
Setlist: sconosciuta
Concerto suonato in supporto ai Soundgarden insieme a Swervedriver e Monster Magnet.
29/04/1992 Bronco Bowl: Dallas, TX
Setlist: sconosciuta
Concerto suonato in supporto ai Soundgarden.
30/04/1992 Unicorn Club: Houston, TX
Setlist: Wash, Once, Suggestion, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, improv/Brass In Pocket (The Pretenders)/Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, improv, Leash
Concerto suonato in supporto ai Soundgarden. Durante Porch il concerto viene interrotto a causa di un infortunio accaduto ad una persona nel pubblico e per permettere l’intervento dei paramedici in platea.
02/05/1992 Day On the Hill: University of Kansas: Lawrence, KS
Setlist: Even Flow, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Porch, State of Love And Trust, Once, Alive, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
03/05/1992 The Ranch Bowl: Omaha, NE
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, improv/Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, improv, Porch, Garden, Happy Birthday, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Happy Birthday cantata per il compleanno del tecnico del suono Smitty.
05/05/1992 Glenn Miller Ballroom, University of Colorado: Boulder, CO
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, improv (I’m Not Crazy)/Once, Improv (What To Do In Colorado), Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden/Angie (The Rolling Stones), Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
07/05/1992 Gallitan Fairgrounds: Bozeman, MT
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Crazy (Seal), State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Porch
Encore: Garden, Suggestion (Fugazi), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
09/05/1992 Mesa Amphitheater: Mesa, AZ
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Suggestion (Fugazi), Leash, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, improv (I’m Not Crazy)/Once, Porch
Encore: Garden, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe. La musica di introduzione della band sul palco è By The Time I Get To Arizona dei Public Enemy.
10/05/1992 Iguana’s: Tijuana, Messico
Setlist: sconosciuta
11/05/1992 Rockline, KLOS Studios: Los Angeles, CA
Setlist: Footsteps
Debutto dal vivo di Footsteps. Questa versione verrà pubblicata come bside sul singolo di Jeremy.
12/05/1992 Ventura Theater: Ventura, CA
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, improv (Part Where I Play The Pope)/Crazy (Seal), Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Footsteps
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
13/05/1992 Palladium: Hollywood, CA
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, improv (I Got No Where To Go)/Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), improv, State of Love and Trust, improv (Don’t Try To Get Inside My Head)/Once, Crazy (Seal), Porch
Encore: Garden, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe e Rage Against The Machine.
15/05/1992 Warfield Theater: San Francisco, CA
Setlist: Wash, Once, improv (Homeless/My Mama Told Me/You Tell Me), Even Flow, Open Letter To a Landlord (Living Colour)/State of Love and Trust, Alive, I Can’t Explain (The Who)/Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Sympathy for the Devil (The Rolling Stones), I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles), Why Go, Porch
Encore: Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/Corey Glover
Band di supporto Tribe After Tribe.
16/05/1992 The Catalyst: Santa Cruz, CA
Setlist: sconosciuta
17/05/1992 Roseland Theater: Portland, OR
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, improv, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, improv (I’m Not Crazy)/Once, Owner of a Lonely Heart (Yes), Happy Birthday, Porch
enc 1: Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden, School’s Out (Alice Cooper), Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash
enc 2: Angel, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Happy Birthday cantata per il compleanno di Dave Abruzzese. Debutto dal vivo di Angel con Dave alla chitarra.
19/05/1992 Melody Lane Ballroom: Portland, OR
Setlist: sconosciuta
21/05/1992 Plaza of Nations: Vancouver, BC
Setlist: sconosciuta
Band di supporto Mistery Machine. Il concerto previsto inizialmente presso il Town Pump viene spostato in questo spazio all’aperto a causa della numerosissima richiesta di biglietti anche dovuta al fatto che la band il giorno prima dovette annullare all’ultimo minuto il concerto gratuito previsto al Gas Work Park di Seattle a causa del permesso negato dalle autorità preposte per la sicurezza.
05/06/1992 Rock Am Ring Festival, Nurburgring: Nurnurg, Germania
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Encore: Suggestion (Fugazi), I’ve Got A Feeling (The Beatles), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Prima data del tour europeo e primo concerto per la band in un grande festival.
06/06/1992 Finsbury Park Festival: Londra, Inghilterra
Setlist: Wash, Once, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, Porch
Encore: Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Concerto suonato in supporto ai The Cult insieme a Red Cross, L7 e Therapy. Even Flow è dedicata a Dee delle L7.
08/06/1992 Pinkpop Festival: Landgraaf, Olanda
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Rain (The Beatles), Jeremy, Deep, Alive/War Pigs (Black Sabbath), Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Leash, Once, Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi)/Pulled Up (Talking Heads)/Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Concerto trasmesso dalla televisione olandese.
10/06/1992 Kongresszentrum: Stoccarda, Germania
Setlist: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch/Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden/Outshined (Soundgarden), Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Eleven.
11/06/1992 Grosse Freiheit 36: Amburgo, Germania
Setlist: Footsteps, Once, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), improv (Part Where I Play the Pope), Even Flow, Porch, Garden, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Eleven.
13/06/1992 Go Bang Festival, Wuhlheide: Berlino, Germania
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Leash, improv (I’m Not Crazy)/Once, Porch
Band di supporto Bad Religion e Sisters Of Mercy.
14/06/1992 Go Bang Festival, Kloecknergelaende im Industriehafen: Brema, Germania
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
Encore: Leash, Invisible Sun (The Police), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Bad Religion, Concrete Blonde, Sisters Of Mercy e Fury In The Slaughterhouse.
15/06/1992 Serenadenhof: Norimberga, Germania
Setlist: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, improv, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
Encore: Suggestion (Fugazi), Leash, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
17/06/1992 City Square: Milano, Italia
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, improv (Part Where I Play the Pope)/Black, Alive, improv (Once in Our Lives)/Once, Footsteps, Three Little Birds (Bob Marley), Deep, When the Saints Go Marching In(traditional), Porch
Encore: Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Concerto ripreso dalla televisione italiana Videomusic.
18/06/1992 Volkshaus: Zurigo, Svizzera
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, improv (Love You Hate You), Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, improv (I’m Not Crazy)/Once, Footsteps, Deep, Leash, Shower the People (James Taylor)/Brass in Pocket (The Pretenders)/Meaningless, Porch, Suggestion (Fugazi) Garden, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
19/06/1992 Rockhaus: Vienna, Austria
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, Black, Alive, improv, Once, Footsteps, Deep, improv, Leash, Porch
Encore: Garden, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
22/06/1992 Elysée-Montmartre: Parigi, Francia
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, improv (Selfish Man), Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Once, Footsteps, Deep, Leash, Porch
Encore: improv, Garden, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Band di supporto Eleven.
25/06/1992 Moderna Museet, Skeppsholmen: Stoccolma, Svezia
Setlist: Driven to Tears (The Police), Throw Your Arms Around Me (Hunters and Collectors), Even Flow, Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, improv (The First Time), Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Help Me Rhonda (The Beach Boys)Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, improv, Porch
enc 1: Suggestion (Fugazi), Garden
enc 2: Leash, I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)/Dolly Dagger (Jimi Hendrix)/Three Little Birds (Bob Marley, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
enc 3: Release, Footsteps
Il concerto inizialmente previsto al Melody Club viene spostato in questo spazio all’aperto a causa della grande richiesta di biglietti. Non essendoci band di supporto Eddie e Mike si presentano sul palco in versione acustica per suonare le prime Driven To Tears e Throw Your Arms Around Me. Prima di Release Eddie spiega che la band si era dimentica di eseguirla ad inizio concerto e quindi viene proposta nel terzo encore. Footsteps viene interrotta una prima volta perchè Eddie si confonde ed inizia a cantare le strofe di Times of Trouble, canzone gemella presente in Temple Of The Dog. Durante il concerto molti oggetti personali tra cui il taccuino su cui Eddie si annottava pensieri, idee e testi per il nuovo album viene rubato nel backstage durante il concerto.
26/06/1992 Roskilde Festival: Roskilde, Danimarca
Setlist: Redemption Song (Bob Marley), Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), State of Love and Trust, improv (I’m Not Crazy), Once, Porch
Ultima data del tour estivo europeo. Le restanti sette date previste (Ruisrock Festival: Turku, Finlandia 27/06, Kalvøyafestivalen: Oslo, Norvegia 28/06, Brixton Academy: Londra, Inghilterra 30/06, Astoria: Londra, Inghilterra 01/07, Eurockenes Festival: Belfort, Francia 02/07, Torhout Festival: Torhout, Belgio 04/07, Werchter Festival: Werchter, Belgio 05/07) vengono cancellate a causa di un forte stress di tutta la band dovuto al furto subito a Stoccolma, al protrarsi del tour quasi senza sosta negli ultimi due anni e alla voglia di rilassarsi un pò in previsione dell’estenuante Lollapalooza festival.
18/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Shoreline Amphitheater: Mountain View, CA
Setlist: State of Love and Trust, Why Go, Once, Alive, Even Flow, Jeremy, Deep, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
19/07/192 Lollapalooza Festival, Shoreline Amphitheater: Mountain View, CA
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Once, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Deep è dedicata “ai fotografi che ora però devono andarsene”.
21/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Thunderbird Stadium, UBC: Vancouver, British Columbia
Setlist: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Once, Porch.
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
22/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Kitsap County Fairgrounds: Bremerton, WA
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Suggestion (Fugazi), Deep, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Once, Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles), Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Durante il set dei Soundgarden Eddie canta i cori su Outshined.
25/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Fiddler’s Green: Denver, CO
Setlist: Once, State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, Jeremy, Why Go, Alive, Porch, Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
27/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Riverport Amphitheater: Maryland Heights, MO
Setlist: Even Flow, Once, Breath, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
28/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Riverbend Music Center: Cincinnati, OH
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, Leash, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
29/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Blossom Music Center: Cleveland, OH
Setlist: Summertime Rolls (Jane’s Addiction)/Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, improv, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
31/07/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Pine Knob Music Theatre: Clarkston, MI
Setlist: sconosciuta
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
01/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Pine Knob Music Theatre: Clarkston, MI
Setlist: Porch, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Breath, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Once
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
02/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, World Music Amphitheater: Tinley Park, IL
Setlist: Summertime Rolls (Jane’s Addiction)/Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Once, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
04/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Saratoga Performing Arts Center: Saratoga, NY
Setlist: Once, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Sympathy for the Devil (The Rolling Stones), improv (Love the People), Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
05/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Molson Park: Barrie, Ontario
Setlist: Even Flow, Jeremy w/Chris Cornell , Alive, Black, Porch, Garden (setlist incompleta)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Durante Jeremy Chris Cornell canta i cori dal retropalco.
07/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Great Woods Center: Boston, MA
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Garden, Hard To Imagine, Alive, Leash, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
08/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Great Woods Center: Boston, MA
Setlist: Even Flow, Summertime Rolls (Jane’s Addiction)/Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Alive, Sweet Emotion (Aerosmith)/Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Once, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
09/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Jones Beach Amphitheater: Wantaugh, NY
Setlist: Summertime Rolls (Jane’s Addiction)/Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, Porch
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Una seconda data prevista per due giorni dopo viene cancellata a causa di una forte pioggia.
12/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Waterloo Village: Stanhope, NJ
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Alive, State of Love and Trust, Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
14/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Lake Fairfax Park: Reston, VA
Setlist: Once, Why Go, Jeremy, Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog) w/Chris Cornell, Breath, Even Flow, Sweet Emotion (Aerosmith)/Alive, Porch/improv (We Want Control of our Bodies)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
15/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Montage Mountain Performing Arts Center: Scranton, PA
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Breath, Even Flow, Alive, Porch/improv (Sometimes Happens All the Time)/Tearing (Rollins Band)/improv (We Want Control of our Bodies), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Questo concerto originariamente era previsto a Lake Compounce di Bristol, CT.
16/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Star Lake Amphitheater: Pittsburgh, PA
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, improv (I Want to Feel Free Today), Jeremy, Hard to Imagine, Alive, Once, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band)/improv (What’s The Use), Baba O’Riley (The Who), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
18/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Walnut Creek Amphitheater: Raleigh, NC
Setlist: sconosciuta
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
20/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Lakewood Amphitheater: Atlanta, GA
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Alive, Hard to Imagine, Porch, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/Follow For Now
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
22/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Bicentennial Park Grounds: Miami, FL
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Suggestion (Fugazi), Alive, Garden, Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
23/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Central Florida Fairgrounds: Orlando, FL
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Eddie dedica Deep a sè stesso. Durante Baba O’Riley Eddie sale sulle spalle di Chris Cornell per cantare la seconda strofa.
25/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Blockbuster Pavilion: Charlotte, NC
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Suggestion (Fugazi), Deep, Jeremy, Once, Little Wing (Jimi Hendrix), Alive, improv/Fuck tha Police (N.W.A.)/Tearing (Rollins Band), Black//We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), If I Can’t Have You (Bee Gees), Take Control, Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
28/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Harriet Island: St. Paul, MN
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Breath, Even Flow, Hard To Imagine, Alive, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Durante il set dei Ministry Mike suona nel brano So What.
29/08/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Alpine Valley: East Troy, WI
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Hard To Imagine, Alive, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers. Nel promeriggio durante il set di Ice Cube sul palco principale, Eddie e Chris Cornell salgono su uno dei palchi secondari per un breve set composto come cast fisso da Hunger Strike (cantata da entrambi), Throw Your Arms Around me (cantata da Eddie) e Seasons (cantata da Chris).
01/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Lakewood Amphitheater: Atlanta, GA
Setlist: sconosciuta
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
04/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, UNO Soccer Field: New Orleans, LA
Setlist: Why Go, Even Flow, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Porch, Garden, Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
05/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Fort Bend County Fairgrounds (Rosenberg): Houston, TX
Setlist: Oceans, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Even Flow, Alive, Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/Chris Cornell, Doug Pinnick e Al Jourgensen
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
06/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Starplex Amphitheater: Dallas, TX
Setlist: sconosciuta
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
07/09/1992 MTV Video Music Award Rehearsal, Pauley Pavilion, UCLA: Westwood, CA
Setlist: Jeremy
Prove generali per l’MTV Video Music Award.
08/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Desert Sky Pavilion: Phoenix, AZ
Setlist: Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, improv (Some People), Hard To Imagine, Alive, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Baba O’Riley (The Who)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
09/09/1992 MTV Video Music Award, Pauley Pavilion, UCLA: Westwood, CA
Setlist: Jeremy
10/09/1992 Park Plaza Hotel Ballroom: Los Angeles, CA
Setlist: State of Love and Trust, Baba O’Riley (The Who), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/Ben Sheperd, Chris Cornell, Jerry Cantrell e Al Jourgensen
Evento organizzato da MTV per il lancio del film di Cameron Crowe Singles con esibizioni anche di Soundgarden e Alice In Chains.
11/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Irvine Meadows: Irvine, CA
Setlist: Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Even Flow, Hard to Imagine , Alive, Porch/So What (Ministry)/Tearing (Rollins Band)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
12/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Irvine Meadows: Irvine, CA
Setlist: Even Flow, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Breath, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Hard To Imagine, Alive, Porch, Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young)
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
13/09/1992 Lollapalooza Festival, Irvine Meadows: Irvine, CA
Setlist: Baba O’Riley (The Who), Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Even Flow, Jeremy, Hard To Imagine, Alive, Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young), Hunger Strike (Temple Of The Dog) w/Chris Cornell e Matt Cameron, Reach Down (Temple Of The Dog) w/Chris Cornell e Matt Cameron
Lollapalooza 1992 è un festival itinerante organizzato e ideato da Perry Farrell composto come cast fisso da Ministry, Lush, Jesus and Mary Chain, Ice Cube, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
20/09/1992 Warren G. Magnuson Park: Seattle, WA
Setlist: Even Flow, Once, State of Love and Trust, Angie (The Rolling Stones), Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Alive, Garden, Funk #49 (James Gang) Porch/Tearing (Rollins Band), Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Rockin’ in the Free World (Neil Young) w/Bruce Fairweather
Band di supporto Pete Droge, Lazy Susan, Cypress Hill, Shawn Smith, Seaweed e Jim Rose. Concerto gratuito rinominato Drop In The Park con l’intento di raccogliere registrazioni di voto per la causa di Rock The Vote.
25/09/1992 Andrew’s Amphitheater: Honolulu, Hawaii
Setlist: sconosciuta
26/09/1992 Andrew’s Amphitheater: Honolulu, Hawaii
Setlist: Release, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Breath, Even Flow, improv, State Of Love And Trust, Black/We Belong Together (Rickie Lee Jones), Hard To Imagine, Alive, Porch
Encore: improv, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Rockin’ In The Free World (Neil Young)
L’improv all’inizio dell’encore è cantata con il testo di Throw Your Arms Around Me.
27/09/1992 War Memorial Gymnasium: Maui, Hawaii
Setlist: Release, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Breath, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Black, Alive, Porch
Encore: I’ve Got a Feeling (The Beatles)
16/10/1992 Madison Square Garden: New York, NY
Setlist: Masters of War
Esibizione di Eddie e Mike accompagnati da G.E. Smith per il concerto dei festeggiamenti dei trenta anni di carriera di Bob Dylan.
01/11/1992 Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Amphitheatre: Mountain View, CA
Setlist: Footsteps, Jeremy, Black, Alive, Daughter, Angel, I Am a Patriot (Steven Van Zandt)
Concerto acustico di beneficienza. Debutto dal vivo di Daughter e I Am a Patriot.
31/12/1992 The Academy: New York, NY
Setlist: Wash, Sonic Reducer (Dead Boys), Why Go, Even Flow, Alone, Garden, Daughter, Dirty Frank, Oceans, Alive, Leash, Strangehold (Ted Nugent), Porch
Concerto suonato di supporto a Keith Richards and the X-pensive Winos. Wash suonata in una inedita versione accellerata. Durante l’encore del set di Keith Richards and the X-pensive Winos Eddie e Mike salgono sul palco per eseguire Goin’ Down.